Originally shared by null This is a Google+ Ripple test. Reshare please. The more reshares the more interesting the test will be. This will be posted on imSocial.com after we complete the test.
Originally shared by Crystal Sholts Sabrina Sholts and Sebastian Wärmländer 's research: tar has always been bad for you. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/10/111006-tar-toxic-pollution-chumash-health-indians-science-heads/
Just when you think Hell can't get any worst.....it freezes over :D no other meanings here..just going from 102 to 45 in 5 days is not what this beach kid is used to :D
You've probably made model houses out of popsicle sticks with your children. This man made a model of the entire city of San Francisco . And he decided to use toothpicks http://player.vimeo.com/video/22461692?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0