Missing From Tucson, Arizona Since 4/21/2012 Please Help Find Isabel Celis

Originally shared by Find Isabel Celis
Missing From Tucson, Arizona Since 4/21/2012 Please Help Find Isabel Celis
Authorities with the Tucson Police Department are investigating a report of a missing child.
Authorities say the child went missing from a home on the 5700 block of East 12th Street, near Broadway Blvd. and Craycroft Road.
Police say at this time 12th Street is closed. Acquaintances of the family say the missing girl's name is Isabel Mercedes Celis and she is 6 years old.
Family members believe the 6-year-old was kidnapped from her bedroom in her bed early Saturday morning. The girl has not been seen since she went to bed at 11 p.m. Friday, Hawke said. Her father went into her bedroom at 8 Saturday morning, found her missing and called police.
Family members describe the child as 44" tall, 44 pounds, 6 years old, light hazel eyes, light brown hair and missing two front teeth.
Anyone with information on child's whereabouts is asked to call 911 immediately.
TPD Crime Tips Hotline
Phone: (520) 837-7588
Email Address: tips@tucsonaz.gov
Phone: (520) 88-CRIME or
(520) 882-7463
Web Address: http://www.88crime.org/
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