We told you there would be a test....For (4) invites tell me where this is found...This will not Google !

We told you there would be a test....For (4) invites tell me where this is found...This will not Google !

Yuen:  Shut down the servers supporting the app 
Coordinate with Ken
and get the app off the store.
Take every site that mentions it down.
Zeke:  We could request that it be taken out of the store
and shut down the servers.
but that could generate controversy and attention.
and this operation would largely come to a standstill.
Yuen:  so what do you recommend we do?
Zeke:  For now.
Yuen:  that doenst seem like a course of action.
Zeke:  It is difficult to set a course in uncharted waters.
Yuen:  are you mocking me???
Zeke:  no. I'm exercising caution.  We must make our next move very, very carefully.

#nianticproject   #ingress


  1. Conversation behind closed doors at Microsoft 2 days after Vista released.

  2. lol you said this will not google... but i just googled it XD

  3. Have you guys picked up that the commonstoragedata links dont qualify to win? Kenroe Ang Jonathan Reeves Peter Faasch Ridge Frederick

  4. I'll go with Leaked Technology as well.

  5. You need only give to Google the correct query

  6. Proposed shaper study document from the day 7 posting

  7. Leaked Technology on Thursday November 15,2012 in the The Sphere of Weirdness.

  8. Nianticproject.com , sphere of weirdness 11.15 leaked technology

  9. Sphere of Weirdness, Leaked Technology paper on the Niantic Project site.  It says "CLASSIFIED" on it before you click on it, in the mid lower left of the board.

  10. would you please send me an activation code??

  11. Most of you guys are posting the source code link, not the link on the nianticproject.com website.

    It's the chat log from the Leaked Technology document from November 15th: http://www.nianticproject.com/?id=sow019xv

  12. Joe Philley Fyi, the Wikia (searchable via Google) hasn't posted NP text from Days Nov.18-30 if you want to 'test' from those :)


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