Holiday traffic.

Holiday traffic.


  1. Playing follow the leader in holiday traffic.

  2. Really nice shot! What are you taking these photos with?

  3. Great shot! Hard to tell from the photo; were you aircraft # 4 or 5 in that traffic?

  4. You military guys amaze me,, back at the dawn of the internet coming into the public eye I met a guy on a bbs and persuaded him to explore his interest in flying.. 2 credit cards later he had a pilot as license, he's been an air traffic controller in San Diego in the #Navy for quite some time,, he was on the boat that launched the first wave of harriers on Afghanistan way back,, so much for his dreams of being a maintenance man at the mall and living in a trailer park.. He's got like 15 years in the service now.. I'm so proud of him.


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