Something strange is happening out here in the country.

Originally shared by John Stewart
Something strange is happening out here in the country. I think I need to investigate. #ingress #ingressinvite Joe Philley Brandon Badger Brian Rose Anne Beuttenmüller
What is it
ReplyDeleteA huge portal.
ReplyDeleteWell, on the bright side it's an #enlightened portal :)
ReplyDeleteShould get a lot of those kind of portals here in Oklahoma this spring.
ReplyDeleteYour weather scares me LOL ,I'll stick with earth quakes.
ReplyDeleteI storm chase. Love the weather!
ReplyDeleteI love weather just not twisters.
ReplyDeleteI really love the beach in weather.
ReplyDeleteSee how destructive enlightenment is? Under a resistance portal, there are happy squirrels and chirping meadowlarks. Clear, calm, serene blue, without evil Shapers forcing their will upon us. Resist!