International Dead Drop Day

Originally shared by Verum Inveniri

International Dead Drop Day

We have sent word to PAC about a series of dead drops that span the globe. Over 20 drops total to be found, and 100 scanner activation codes.

If you successfully recover a dead drop, feel free to share your proof with us. Post pics of the moment of discovery to Google+ (#deaddropday) and we will give you an extra scanner activation code to share - just be sure that any recovered intel does not fall into the wrong hands.

More posts to come...

#deaddropday #Ingress


  1. Oh, I like this approach.  Would it be amiss for us to reach out in our own communities similarly?  I have a couple of codes still and we are recruiting heavily on campus.  

    I would like to host a local scavenger hunt on our local universities if that would not be amiss with the project's goals.  It hopefully would gain the right interest.

  2. ▶ 20 drops.
    ▶ 6.9 billion people.
    ▶ 1 in 345 million odds.
    ▶ VI involved.



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