Hank Johnson and Conrad Yeats are very interested in this area we're told.We are sending you an invite so you...

Hank Johnson and Conrad Yeats are very interested in this area we're told.We are sending you an invite so you can indeed for more into this but remember to choose wisely. #ingress #nianticproject
Originally shared by Sonček KecnoSI
I'm certain that Siberian meteor impact is highlighting important questions for the humankind and its future! Chebarkul Lake meteor impact site definitely holds some clues about what is ahead of us. Unfortunately an official investigation yielded no proper answers.
Still the images from the broader region of the impact site are mind-boggling and indicate some strange energy influences.
Earlier this week, a person approached me and asked, if I can enhance one image from the Chebarkul lake impact site. Moment after giving me the image and some clues, the person disappeared behind some strange energy field.
I was baffled, but still I investigated the image.
What I got after the image enhancements is a strange #ingressartwork , which I do not understand well. What I did found out though, is that the person giving me the clues and the image was an #ingress agent!
Maybe, if I would get an #ingressinvite I would be able to gain more insights in the issue and I would be able to help the worldwide efforts, which seems to be defining the future of the humans on the Earth!
Ingress Anne Beuttenmüller Brandon Badger Joe Philley
Great job sneaking this photo out....