MISSING PERSON: Search and rescue crews fanned out in Santa Barbara to search for news anchorwoman Paula Lopez, who...

MISSING PERSON: Search and rescue crews fanned out in Santa Barbara to search for news anchorwoman Paula Lopez, who was last seen Wednesday morning at her home.
They found her "safe at home". This is weird. We start a missing person search just 30 mins after the last time someone spoke with her, then she's "found" in her home 8 hours later.
ReplyDeleteThis is funny...but happy she is safe.
ReplyDeleteWell, yeah, it's good she's safe, but it doesn't add up. She would have had to threaten to hurt herself, or gave the person she spoke with some other reason to believe she was in immediate danger. Otherwise the police would not have pulled out the dogs and the helicopter so quickly.
ReplyDeleteGlad she's safe but what could she have done/ said that would alarm the police so much? (maybe sleep walking, day dreaming, or some other medical problem?)
ReplyDeleteSo much for the 48hr wait...
ReplyDeleteCould any of the medical problems listed in my last comment have made her Said something weird? (I don't mean any of those things could alarm the police)
ReplyDeleteMedical problem is possible, but due to my family history I tend to believe drugs/alcohol are involved when weird stories like this pop up and everyone's all hush hush with the details.
ReplyDeleteSimply making cyrcles around her streets helping her faction...
ReplyDeleteI agree with Chris Tzoannou. Many families go to extremes to stop what they believe to be "XM Addiction". There are reports of people "doing XM" staying out to all ours of the night just to get their fix. Families are struggling to pay high gas bills due to the extreme distances XM users will go to get an extreme high known as "fielding". Dealers known as "portals" are popping up by the thousands due to the extreme XM demand around the world.
ReplyDeleteMost XM users start off light by visiting a portal shop next to their house, then as the cravings kick in they will move on to the next closest portal but it doesn't stop there. XM addicts claim that once they get to the second portal shop they feel the need to visit just one more to sustain their habit. Things just snowball from there.
The XM users with the deepest addictions will even cross state lines and get together with fellow addicts to upgrade portal shops and come home with thousands of XM items.
Law enforcement has their hands tied since XM is still legal around the world. While they will stop people who are partaking in suspicious activity around the portal shops there is nothing they can do besides check for warrants. Citizens have been putting pressure on legislators to introduce bills to stop the self destructive behavior but so far it hasn't taken priority. Reports are that many drug treatment centers are working on programs tailored to help those suffering from XM addiction by providing "unplugged" resort style centers in the hopes that time away from technology might help curb the destructive effects of XM but only time will tell how it will all work out.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she just playing ingress whole night :)
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter what Joe Philley or Brandon Badger posts. It will immediately become an Ingress Joke Thread