We have made this gesture, #OpEasterSpike to send a message to the global Resistance movement.

Originally shared by Mike Wissinger
We have made this gesture, #OpEasterSpike to send a message to the global Resistance movement. It is not meant as aggression, and we are certain you will remove the field presently. Until then, please consider the following.
While the nature of our tools make us rivals for resources, we are not your enemy. It is not our goal to hand humanity over to any controlling force. Instead, we believe exotic matter to be a natural force that humanity can and must make use of. We will harness it as we have gravity, electricity, and the nuclear forces. As a fundamental building block of magger XM cannot be a new creation from an outside entity, merely one that we have only just learned to quantify and manipulate.
We have seen several potential threats to human freedom since the discovery of the Niantic Project, but they have not been aliens. They are people who would prison and exploit others in their quest for personal power. They are machines of our own creation whose influence is unchecked and motives are too complex for their creators to comprehend. They are cunning killers who strike without conscience or consequence.
Hubert Farlowe once told me, “In my job you don't trust until you understand.” We are the ones trying to understand, and will share what we learn if you allow us. If alien entities are piggybacking signals at exotic phenomena, and if they are malevolent, then we will be the ones turning their own tools against them. All we ask is that you allow us to continue to study. We will share our insights.
Trust your inner voice until it is no longer yours.
Ingress The Enlightened Joe Philley Niantic Project
Well put Mike Wissinger.
ReplyDeleteI needed XM to recharge my cell and fuel my car just the other day. Brian Rose - please? Pretty please?
Dispatching forces to clean this mess up.
ReplyDeleteWell worded Mike Wissinger . Blue is a better color though.
I've always felt building it up was the most fun.
ReplyDeleteWe trusted that response would be prompt, Brendan Carrillo. Thank you for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteTim Wilson Already done.
ReplyDeleteJoe Philley The after action report will be up later tonight. The planning and execution has been tremendous fun and no small amount of challenging.
ReplyDeleteMike Wissinger make sure you highlight "The squeeze" of the western link.
ReplyDeleteRichard Ian Carpenter - seems you are defined by what you are against, and despite your regurgitation of dogma, have already proven yourself not only able, but willing to adapt from stationary gaming to being out in the world. Change is not just been historically essential, but is inevitable for our collective future.
ReplyDeleteThe day I let such monstrosity threaten the hearts, minds and future of my sleeping children is the day you pry a burster from my downed and cooling hand. RESIST
ReplyDeleteSilly Enlightened that's just what the Shapers want you to think! :P
ReplyDeleteIt was certainly challenging dispatching Kynan Crecelius and Michael Kennedy to remove the green menace. Both Resistance agents did a fantastic job, as well as the unsung and unknown hero down in Cairo, IL. Others in St. Louis searched for link blocking opportunities as soon as the fields came down so that they'd stay down.
ReplyDeleteKynan Crecelius (my gaming and life partner) will tell you he does this for the cause, but I note with great coincidence that tonight was supposed to be laundry night. Hopefully Mike Wissinger and his dedicated crew will take a few days off, lest I never have correctly matched socks again!
Kynan Crecelius - You're Welcome.
ReplyDeleteIf Ingress shows up on IPhone I will hang up my scanner. I'm a top lvl player that has been in the game sence the second round of invites. Early November. Apple has blocked Google voice, tried to remove Google maps, regulary sues hardware partners though they don't have the balls to sue Google itself. If Google makes a version of ingress for them I'm done. Having been playing for so long as it is I'm only active when high lvl farms are built & I go take them out. But going back & forth over the same portals forever looses it's appeal after a while. Now I'm just waiting to see if the game ever gives us,a reason, a real reason to keep playing. You cant protect portals now mater what I know that for a fact. I've taken on 5 enemy agent's solo for a 20 portal area & left it with not one green portal because of the shear amount of high lvl grear I had. Even the highest lvl portals being remote recharged take less than 5 mins if my time & it's just as easy for them. It's a blast & I went hard 6+ hrs a day blisters & all for a while then it hits you that it's point less. Well see. It's the veterans they need to impress, & it's us they need to pull back into the game. New people will always play. But first the enlighten in my city quit after running it for months. We enjoyed taking the city back now we have all quit & the city is in massive decay, except low lvl stuff from new players. But both sides have lost interest in 5 months time. That's not good. We'll be watching Niantic give us a reason to care again.
ReplyDeleteblablabla... Destroy all the portals!
ReplyDeleteIts a shame reshares don't pick up their parent posts' changes. Sorry about the typos.