28 days later: walked 310km in Stuttgart (25% more than in March)

28 days later: walked 310km in Stuttgart (25% more than in March)

Helps me with my poor health

#ingress   #sitrep 

Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller Joe Philley Ingress


  1. I do believe Ingress is a Health or Sport App lol

  2. We have players in our locale who only go for portals they can reach by car. It's sort of ridiculous.

  3. How did you plot your latitude history?

  4. Rob Wakefield the same players also walk for 1-2 hours and capture everything intown. Its not always safe to walk through Victoria park. Did you read the recent mugging in the news? (We checked that it wasnt one of our agents who was in the area at the same time.) The murder of the girl 3 months back. Dont be hating on the people who stay in their cars with the doors locked at certain times. Also at peak times there isnt always parking.

    Havent seen your name tagged as playing in the last while. Still have your account?

  5. Carrie M Team up and take back your public spaces, make them safe again :)

  6. Carrie M I still have my account. Real Life™ has made it tricky to get out and play, recently.

    I'm not "hating" on people who stay in their car. "Hate" is too strong a word. Call it – "bewildered". I'm not pointing fingers at any one faction, but, mid-day, I have seen people drive into areas at portals and block traffic or lane ways simply to do a hack or capture. They could easily drive a little further, park, and walk back. This has obviously not been a case of safety, it's been a case of laziness. I've seen this happen four times, now, in both Kitchener and Waterloo.

  7. Phil Jones playing after 10pm in the park when the red gang is out is just ridiculous.

  8. Carrie M Fair enough. I'm lacking context for this argument as I live the other side of the Atlantic.

  9. Carrie M I had no idea that post-sunset there was a gang problem in Vic Park. I wouldn't even risk it and play in safer areas.


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