Great work agents...very well done.
Great work agents...very well done.
Originally shared by Ann D.
Ingress Situation Report
429 level 8 Resistance portals were standing simultaneously at 7 pm EDT in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA on Saturday April 27, 2013.
Over two dozen level 8 Resistance agents from six states plus Washington, DC gathered in Gettysburg on Saturday, April 27th with one goal: create as many level 8 portals as possible. Gettysburg, site of one of the largest battles in the American Civil War, is home to hundreds of monuments, statues, and plaques, many of which are Ingress portals. There are dozens of portals everywhere you look in the small town of Gettysburg, the national park surrounding the town, and nearby regions.
The initial plan was conceived in early February. Substantial analysis was done prior to the event to determine the best plan of attack. Portals were grouped into loops to maximize effectiveness, and teams of 8 level 8 agents were sent out to upgrade each portal along the loop to a level 8 portal. There are not many active players in the town of Gettysburg, and few high level Enlightened players. We hoped to build in peace, but were preparing for the worst, especially after hints were leaked in open comm using the @ feature to an enemy player!
We met up at 9 am and handed out informational packets. Teams were drawn up, plans were finalized, and everyone headed out into the bright sunshine to get started on our epic day!
Team Squirrel headed out first toward the south, about 9:30 am. (Pedro Owsik padalabra Irene Adamos Irenelikewhoa Jonathan Fitzwater cloroxbleach Michael Heser drayvin Sarah Snyder Valkryria Prash D prash Paul Liao spliao Lindsey Boyle aria072) The squirrels bravely faced an area of the battlefield known for having terrible cell phone reception first.
The Double Ds assembled next, and headed off on foot to hit surrounding portals. (Jen Edgerton LadyLuck Kevin Hagan LordDeathstrike Kevin McCarley vwauditech Aaron Lunger darkhawk13 Josh Trout filet0fish Jim Bolla TastyFirestorm Chris Whissen PittTango Ben Doll mathematician) Led by some local agents familiar with the area, they were able to maximize efficiency.
Finally, the Stroller Brigade assembled, with 3 kids under 3 in tow. (Matt Mangat mstanza12 Karl Franke riptides digger vermont divers Brady Hayes Achilles8 Brad Durandetta tubalord Shauna Cooper BeariLoud +Ann Durandetta annhrt Cameron Wright cynikaloptimist) We set out around the national cemetery, then headed into town.
By 10:30, we'd created 83 level 8 portals, but some Enlightened players arrived and began attacking. After some initial concern and discussion, we decided to keep building as planned and see what developed. Our "eyes in the sky", or intel/ops team of agents stationed at home, kept track of our accomplishments and kept us posted and encouraged with status updates, directions, and portal counts. (Raymond Cool stainlessray Glenn Halfpap brewer Nikolas Moore mookiepudding)
Doreen Nicoletti DoryMint & Anthony Nicoletti TonyMint joined us on cleanup duty, finishing off portals where we'd missed one or two level 8 resonators. Thanks to Marie Williamson and Hunter for keeping us company!
By lunchtime, we were up to 215 level 8 portals standing, and teams took a break to eat. One group had a picnic lunch, and another group went to a local restaurant called Gettysburg Eddie's, named after a local baseball player (did anyone submit that as a portal, btw?)
We convened by a cannon for a group picture, then headed back out to finish up our predetermined loops. At 5 pm, we'd hit 301, and by 6 we'd hit 391 portals standing simultaneously.
The Stroller Brigade wrapped up about 5:30 pm and headed into town for well-deserved ice cream. Team Squirrel & The Double D's pushed on until 7 pm, making it up to 429 standing level 8 portals! We set aside time for hacking to gain level 8 resources (including level 8 power cubes). While we generally refer to a bunch of level 8 portals as a level 8 farm, we decided that 429 portals counted as a level 8 factory, ushering Ingress into the Industrial Era.
After the public post was made informing the world of our accomplishments, high level Enlightened agents from as far as 2 hours away began rushing to the scene. Arriving well after the record had been set and most agents had already left the scene, they scurried to make a dent in the number of portals as twilight waned and the park closed. They drove around town, firing off just enough bursters to knock portals out of level 8 range. However, due to the massive scale of our achievement, they were unable to prevent us from accumulating substantial quantities of level 8 items, nor were they able to take down all 429 level 8 portals on Saturday. They had to come back the next morning to attack again!
This was a great opportunity to meet level 8 Resistance agents from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio (; to compare playing styles and trade tips & tricks; to share some good food and good company; and to successfully make hundreds of level 8 portals and have them stand almost all day! Screenshots:
Special thanks to many regional organizations for support, assistance, and encouragement: DE Resistance (, PAIR (, SPAIRO (, DMV (, Greater Lancaster County Resistance (, Delmarva (, SOMD (, CORE (, and the International Ingress Resistance Level 8 Club (
#ingress #worldrecord #resistance #resistanceisneverfutile #ingressreport
Ingress Joe Philley Brandon Badger Brian Rose

Originally shared by Ann D.
Ingress Situation Report
429 level 8 Resistance portals were standing simultaneously at 7 pm EDT in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA on Saturday April 27, 2013.
Over two dozen level 8 Resistance agents from six states plus Washington, DC gathered in Gettysburg on Saturday, April 27th with one goal: create as many level 8 portals as possible. Gettysburg, site of one of the largest battles in the American Civil War, is home to hundreds of monuments, statues, and plaques, many of which are Ingress portals. There are dozens of portals everywhere you look in the small town of Gettysburg, the national park surrounding the town, and nearby regions.
The initial plan was conceived in early February. Substantial analysis was done prior to the event to determine the best plan of attack. Portals were grouped into loops to maximize effectiveness, and teams of 8 level 8 agents were sent out to upgrade each portal along the loop to a level 8 portal. There are not many active players in the town of Gettysburg, and few high level Enlightened players. We hoped to build in peace, but were preparing for the worst, especially after hints were leaked in open comm using the @ feature to an enemy player!
We met up at 9 am and handed out informational packets. Teams were drawn up, plans were finalized, and everyone headed out into the bright sunshine to get started on our epic day!
Team Squirrel headed out first toward the south, about 9:30 am. (Pedro Owsik padalabra Irene Adamos Irenelikewhoa Jonathan Fitzwater cloroxbleach Michael Heser drayvin Sarah Snyder Valkryria Prash D prash Paul Liao spliao Lindsey Boyle aria072) The squirrels bravely faced an area of the battlefield known for having terrible cell phone reception first.
The Double Ds assembled next, and headed off on foot to hit surrounding portals. (Jen Edgerton LadyLuck Kevin Hagan LordDeathstrike Kevin McCarley vwauditech Aaron Lunger darkhawk13 Josh Trout filet0fish Jim Bolla TastyFirestorm Chris Whissen PittTango Ben Doll mathematician) Led by some local agents familiar with the area, they were able to maximize efficiency.
Finally, the Stroller Brigade assembled, with 3 kids under 3 in tow. (Matt Mangat mstanza12 Karl Franke riptides digger vermont divers Brady Hayes Achilles8 Brad Durandetta tubalord Shauna Cooper BeariLoud +Ann Durandetta annhrt Cameron Wright cynikaloptimist) We set out around the national cemetery, then headed into town.
By 10:30, we'd created 83 level 8 portals, but some Enlightened players arrived and began attacking. After some initial concern and discussion, we decided to keep building as planned and see what developed. Our "eyes in the sky", or intel/ops team of agents stationed at home, kept track of our accomplishments and kept us posted and encouraged with status updates, directions, and portal counts. (Raymond Cool stainlessray Glenn Halfpap brewer Nikolas Moore mookiepudding)
Doreen Nicoletti DoryMint & Anthony Nicoletti TonyMint joined us on cleanup duty, finishing off portals where we'd missed one or two level 8 resonators. Thanks to Marie Williamson and Hunter for keeping us company!
By lunchtime, we were up to 215 level 8 portals standing, and teams took a break to eat. One group had a picnic lunch, and another group went to a local restaurant called Gettysburg Eddie's, named after a local baseball player (did anyone submit that as a portal, btw?)
We convened by a cannon for a group picture, then headed back out to finish up our predetermined loops. At 5 pm, we'd hit 301, and by 6 we'd hit 391 portals standing simultaneously.
The Stroller Brigade wrapped up about 5:30 pm and headed into town for well-deserved ice cream. Team Squirrel & The Double D's pushed on until 7 pm, making it up to 429 standing level 8 portals! We set aside time for hacking to gain level 8 resources (including level 8 power cubes). While we generally refer to a bunch of level 8 portals as a level 8 farm, we decided that 429 portals counted as a level 8 factory, ushering Ingress into the Industrial Era.
After the public post was made informing the world of our accomplishments, high level Enlightened agents from as far as 2 hours away began rushing to the scene. Arriving well after the record had been set and most agents had already left the scene, they scurried to make a dent in the number of portals as twilight waned and the park closed. They drove around town, firing off just enough bursters to knock portals out of level 8 range. However, due to the massive scale of our achievement, they were unable to prevent us from accumulating substantial quantities of level 8 items, nor were they able to take down all 429 level 8 portals on Saturday. They had to come back the next morning to attack again!
This was a great opportunity to meet level 8 Resistance agents from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio (; to compare playing styles and trade tips & tricks; to share some good food and good company; and to successfully make hundreds of level 8 portals and have them stand almost all day! Screenshots:
Special thanks to many regional organizations for support, assistance, and encouragement: DE Resistance (, PAIR (, SPAIRO (, DMV (, Greater Lancaster County Resistance (, Delmarva (, SOMD (, CORE (, and the International Ingress Resistance Level 8 Club (
#ingress #worldrecord #resistance #resistanceisneverfutile #ingressreport
Ingress Joe Philley Brandon Badger Brian Rose

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