This will change so many lives for the better.

This will change so many lives for the better.


  1. I like the sound of this! I can't wait to hear more.

  2. WiFi on radio frequencies... That'll be slow...

  3. And they will have also some cameras broadcasting live from savana.

  4. Not so slow really. It's the modulator/demodulator that makes most radio slow. WiFi over other radio spectrum will be just as good as regular WiFi. Radio is the same no matter which frequencies are used. We just split it all up to keep crosstalk between devices down. Look into whitespace.

  5. Philip Abernethy the available spectrum on "old radio" and TV frequencies (barely used in Africa) is huge - several hundreds of Megaherz. Just visualise current GSM running on 12 Mhz (or less)... There is plenty of available spectrum that was "booked" in old analog times.
    Low frequencies means higher range, which perfectly suits those territories.
    It looks like an appropriate solution.

  6. I figured google would be building a seafleet and floating international data centers. But I guess they decided to go with an airship fleet first.


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