Whats Hank really looking for at Cross Plains and now at UTA ? I plan on being there are you ?
Whats Hank really looking for at Cross Plains and now at UTA ? I plan on being there are you ?
Originally shared by Niantic Project
More coded chatter between Hank Johnson and Carrie Campbell related to the upcoming anomaly in Cross Plains, Texas.
Felicia Hajra-Lee's novel, The Niantic Project: Ingress, is available on Google Play ( https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=BKE4MsCPlX8C ) and in the Amazon e-book store ( http://www.amazon.com/The-Niantic-Project-Ingress-ebook/dp/B00CTSZQ9Q ).
A continued reminder that investigators planning to be in Cross Plains, TX to witness and study the anomaly taking place on June 7th and 8th should pre-register for Howard Days ASAP ( http://www.rehupa.com/?p=3854 ).
we need one in virginia!!!! Come this way! :D