Dr Wolfe off the grid ? I still think hes crazy like a fox....

Dr Wolfe off the grid ? I still think hes crazy like a fox....

Originally shared by Niantic Project

While I expected to hear from Carrie Campbell  (and I still haven't), I'm not surprised that Dr. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe is off the grid.

By robbing IQTech Research and engaging with the Enlightened on the day of the #Cassandra Anomaly in Washington D.C., he effectively burned all his bridges. He then set the ashes alight by taping a statement to his fellow Enlightened that further marked him a damaged, unstable man.

The question that must be asked is, how valuable is this man? Valuable enough that people like Ezekiel Calvin would be willing to overlook his obvious instability? Despite my less than fond feelings for him, I recognize that he is a savant. His virtuosity in XM technology research and engineering is unparalleled, and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if he had been picked up by the likes of Hulong or Visur. What do you think?

A passcode as always to those who contribute meaningfully to our discussion. 

Felicia Hajra-Lee's novel, The Niantic Project: Ingress, is available on Google Play ( https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=BKE4MsCPlX8C ) and in the Amazon e-book store ( http://www.amazon.com/The-Niantic-Project-Ingress-ebook/dp/B00CTSZQ9Q ). #NianticProjectIngress


  1. Please tell me about your self..........

  2. And that's how a non-ingress playing, new g+ user, looking out for online romance,  trolls on public posts..

    rakesh patel facebook pe ja bacche.

  3. That's sounds interesting, please tell me more

  4. He's on the run. And he should be. Looks to me like he did something bad, but of course it helped us in the anomaly. He may seem unstable (especially after the message he sent out to the enlightened) but he speaks truth. All he seeks is knowledge that the shapers can pass on to us. The resistance doesn't understand that. They fear the knowledge that can be passed to us because they fear that they might lose their free will in the process. I can understand that. I don't believe that shapers want that. We are valuable to them. Why would they want to control us? Inspiration and knowledge to move forward is what I see. And lynton-wolfe sees it too.

  5. I was hoping he was gonna be in NYC.

  6. It would seem to me that Mr. Lynton-Wolf is as valuable if not more so then Mr Ronald Jervis was before he was shot. It would also seem that IQTech will stop at nothing to ferther their agenda. That's why Mr. Wolf may be state thats he is currently in. To what ends will IQTeck go to get their way? I think if Mr. Wolf is as smart every one says he is he'll find away to muster with Jarvis and the Enlightened in a manner still yet unseen by this world.

  7. Is this what it's come down to?  "Agree with us or we'll kill you?"  Jarvis was already murdered and now there is talk of killing Lynton-Wolfe???  In Chicago, P.A. Chappeau said that he was a seeker of the truth.  I believed him.  Why can't more be like that?  Why not actually sit down and have a discussion with those from the Enlightened instead of ostracizing and hunting them down?

    I feel like the two factions have more in common than they think.  And if open, threat-free discussion took place, we may discover what those commonalities truly are.

  8. It is true and I hope it is the future


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