Try it out for a week with an open mind and then send us your feedback. Thanks and be safe out there.

Try it out for a week with an open mind and then send us your feedback. Thanks and be safe out there.
Originally shared by Ingress
Portals seem to be reacting to the influx of new recruits post #Cassandra. AP for upgrading Portals with a Mod is back. Agents now gain 125 AP by deploying a Shield or Mod, and each Agent can deploy 1 Mod per Portal.
Woah, wait... each agent can only apply one mod per portal? Dammit man.
ReplyDeleteHopefully this will stop lone wolves from building frankenportals with four very rare shields.
ReplyDeleteThis sucks for rural areas like mine. Not worth placing any mods now. Finding someone to come to my town to place mods isn't going to happen. Hard enough getting someone to come upgrade a portal with resos. Thank you for ruining the game for many of us.
ReplyDeleteHenry Krull I wouldn't say it's ruining the game. I can understand the frustration and there are some portals where I will have the same issue you speak of, however, there are other scenarios where it will be a help. One of my biggest frustrations is when another agent flips a portal back to our side and then immediately fills it with 4 common shields while I have a turret, rare shield, etc that I would like to put on it. What this does is force more team interaction which is vital for the game and worthwhile agents need to be able to adjust to changes in warfare so all this does is teach us a new way of operating which keeps all of us on our toes.
ReplyDeleteGreat, so now us rural players that can't even RECRUIT 4 players are now at the mercy of the larger areas around us? This change seriously hurts those of us not blessed enough to live in high population areas, and only serves to further alienate those of us that play in the country.
ReplyDeleteFirst you added XM costs to everything, which hurt us in the country. Then you went overboard with the anti-spoofing protection, hurting the country folks that are miles from any portals. Now you change this, effectively putting us at a disadvantage.
This has to be changed, and fast - or you will see rural players like me leaving in droves...
What the hell? That's not an improvement of the game. That ruins it. You will lose player because of demotioning them.fighting and defenseing "one man portals" will be impossible
ReplyDeleteI would say that this could go into effect if in area has enough players. But in a place like mine it's going to mess with things
ReplyDeleteLove the one mod per portal move. Encourage teamwork, cause honestly, what good does a single person portal do?
ReplyDeleteThis will DEFINITELY not add to mule accounts so they can fill a portal in rural areas
ReplyDeleteIncoming QQfest
ReplyDeletethis pretty much sucks for players in rural areas that are outnumbered. This change has just made most mods not worth carrying. It seems like 2 mods per player might be a little less impactful.
ReplyDeleteF'ing sucks. I have several portals that are on my commute that are victims of drive bys.. can't defend now. Maybe the should adjust this so that the level counts. Like resos. 1 vr 2 r 4 common
ReplyDeleteI don't have a problem with tweaking the rules to encourage more team play, but perhaps this needs to be dialed back? Perhaps number of mods per rarity? I.e. you could deploy 4 commons, 2 rare, or 1 very rare? Also not being able to remove mods is fine, but we should be able to upgrade the rarity, just like resos.
ReplyDeleteWhat?! I'm a rural area player, and there aren't any other resistance around unless they pass through. This basically destroys my chance of building defendable portals!
ReplyDeleteMarcus Hoapili if you are the only person in the area, a single person portal is all you have.
ReplyDeleteDrew Dellinger if you are the only person in the area, who are you even defending against? And why?
ReplyDeleteDrew Dellinger might be encountering what we do here, we deal with out of towners for enemies
ReplyDeleteIf a l8 wants your portal. There is nothing you can do to keep It.
ReplyDeleteI myself have tried to defend an l5 portal with 4 vr shields. They or he rather still took it down.
ReplyDeleteWhy anyone would defend an L5 portal with 4 VR shields is beyond my comprehension.
ReplyDeleteDeleted my original comment as it did not matter within the context of the Op. Will try it for a week and then will give feedback. Brandon Badger
ReplyDeleteMarcus Hoapili Sorry, I should have been more specific. I am the only member of the resistance in my area. So this automatically puts me at a huge disadvantage. Not only in terms of defense, but also of portal benefits. I now have to choose between having a portal with any amount of defense, a portal that is quick to hack, or a portal I can hack multiple times. Whereas the other side can have all of those benefits.
ReplyDeleteAnd not only do I have to deal with local enlightened agents, but there are out of towners that swing by almost weekly that I have to defend against.
A bit extreme. How about limited to two instead of going 4 to 1. Not cool man.
ReplyDeleteBill Burritt it doesn't affect me, and if you reread my comment you will see I am encouraging a form of this. My concern is players in rural areas that don't have the significant number of players.
ReplyDeleteJust roll with it. If it's too extreme I'm sure they will adjust to maybe 2 mods per player. Adapt and survive.
ReplyDeleteWhat we want is to make portals harder to attack (or more correctly for the attack/defence to take longer) and you just make it even easier for faster portal flipping. ...
ReplyDeleteFor crying out loud!
Doesn't take a week to flush out a moronic idea. One mod of each TYPE makes sense. One mod per player does not.
ReplyDeleteI am literally the ONLY enlightened player in my county and im already heavily outnumbered you can imagine the level of frustration with this new policy >:( .... I will save my gear until this is fixed.
ReplyDeleteThis is the wrong approach to the problem.
ReplyDeleteUpgrades or mods should be upgradable by another player if the mod being placed is of a higher rarity, common shields can be replaced by anything better but it would cost XM, but it would still give a substantial AP bonus for doing so.
A limit is not necessarily a good thing, but it could still be used if only tactfully.
Joe Philley Ingress
Please reconsider. We are still in beta right? So why not?
I wonder if they even take our suggestions on board as they always do the thing that noone suggested.
ReplyDeleteMichael Edmond , while I don't like this either, the most innovative people in history have done things no one asked for.
ReplyDeleteIf everyone already was asking for it, and knew about it, it really isn't that innovative, is it?
Alan Talkington
ReplyDeleteUmmm no.
This promotes teamwork yes... but only in areas where players can play at the same time.... everywhere else its a severe hinderance. It means that there will be a lot more weak portals and a lot more portal flipping. A lot less time to defend and people levelling oh so much faster.... I am all for promoting teamwork but this change alone is unbalanced. It needs other things changed for it to work for everyone. Like only one or two shields and the shields are stronger...
But it also hits a cord... why change this when there is so many other things that need looked at? Example. Why have they not changed the spam attack? As now my only two res players dont srand a chance and I can sp attack alltheir portals and kill em before they get a chance to defend.
It promotes teamwork... but also massivly promotes lone wolf smashing. Its not right.
I'd rather see 1 kind of mod placed per portal per player.
ReplyDeleteI live in a town of 90 people and have 7 portals here. The nearest player lives 10ish miles away, but is currently very busy. The next nearest player is 30 miles away and hasn't come this way yet. The other players are 40+ miles away. This new rule makes things difficult.
I think the idea behind the new mod rules is to allow new players to place portal mods and to encourage team work. The new rule hurts players like me. I'd rather see something implemented like portal mods decaying 10 percent per day and be non-rechargeable. If the portal mods reach 70 percent or less, other players can replace the mod with something else, but the player who placed the mod can't replace a decaying mod until it fully decays. Joe Philley Ingress NIA Ops
Not really liking the change thus far. It should be returned to the way it was before until s better implementation can be put in to place. Such as Terry Stout suggestion would be a much better implementation.
ReplyDelete1 kind of mod I can see, but the inability to remove the mod is confusing. I can see not giving points for more than one mod per portal, but sometimes you need to change things.
ReplyDeleteThe shapers are displeased with this decision.
ReplyDeleteI like it being back Joe Philley
ReplyDeleteHating it. It's already easy enough to destroy a portal with 4 mods. Now we just have to leave them limp and weak.
ReplyDeleteI personally say it's better this new way because at least my enemies who live scattered in the countryside with homemade fake portals ( reported a thousand times in vain) can not make it too strong and at least their other teammates will have to make the effort to go the do ' upgrade
ReplyDeleteDidn't see til just now that only one mod can be deployed. I'm all alone on base and that hurts a lot for me
ReplyDeleteWhy not allow an agent to place all four but let the other 3 be removable by same faction agents? Joe Philley
ReplyDeleteJoe Philley or just allow mods to be removed by faction members period
ReplyDeleteJoe Philley Yet another solo rural agent reporting that this is a bad move - I get nuked every week or so by travelling resistance agents, and now I've absolutely no chance to defend - Even if I get another Enlightened agent passing to beef up the portals, they won't last, and I can't mod them enough by myself.
ReplyDeleteI've tried recruiting but this is a small town, and one and a half hour's drive from the next Enlightened agent.
Please reverse this.
19 hours later from my first comment. I still feel its a hassle. I don't think I'm gonna claim anything anymore. I'm just gonna neutralize the now weak portals til I get bored and stop playing.
ReplyDeleteThis is the worst possible implementation of the idea of restricting mods. Fuck even two mods would be better. It might stop people like me from bitching and still satiate the few who enjoy the new restrictions.
It just unbalanced the game a bit more as opposed to balancing it out like its need. Niantic Project Joe Philley
If only there were a way to get rid of all these unneeded resonators quicker as opposed to dropping or recycling one at a time. But I guess that would be helpful. Have fun if you can guys I'm going on strike. #nianticstrike
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with many of the other people who have commented regarding rural areas. I live in a very rural area where there are few players. It takes weeks to get enough higher level enlightened players to come by and upgrade enough to get to a level 7 portal. During that time resistance players driving through the area often fire off a few busters. In the past having multiple shields gave me enough time to recharge when I got the notification that the portal is under attack. Now, by the time the client loads (even with the new faster load time) it is to late. Unless I'm sitting at work with the client open all day the little chance of portal defence I had available to me is now gone.
ReplyDeleteI also think that if we are unable to remove a mod we should at least be able to upgrade a common to a rare or very rare.