Great work here Agents

Great work here Agents

Originally shared by Michael Ireland

Ongoing Enlightened Actions in Western Canada
This is not over


  1. It may not be over, but it will be going down soon.  The Resistance will see to that.

  2. Amazing! I hope you're planning to do it again for #13magnus Michael Ireland

  3. Reinhard Lenninger Haha, I occasionally use IITC, but when I post screenies I use the regular Intel map.  Gotta keep up appearances, eh? ;)

    Anthony Castanza I can't take credit for much of it other than moral support haha!  The guys that take the real credit are fellows like John Sterne and his colleagues.

    Angie Bare Haha, yeah, a chunk of it has already been taken down ... but it's not over yet!  Vive L'Enlightened en Canada!


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