Showing posts from October, 2013
To My Niantic Friends:
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Originally shared by Lukas Lentz To My Niantic Friends: This is a #brgxmnews report. A new community of Truth Seekers have joined together to try to put the pieces of this puzzle we call "The Niantic Project" together. Some call it a way to introduce new and old players into the Niantic Project media, to help make sense of it. Some call it the beginning of the Third Faction, Some just call it #OperationEssex I myself am a among their ranks, and had the privilege of participating in a hangout with other Operation Essex agents as well as flint dille and Edgar Allan Wright Quite a bit was talked about but one thing that struck me was a comment Edgar Allan Wright had made "This is ominous. Wait. Something else is coming back. A phrase. ?WillDie" My response was "2 Will Die" and he replied "Not 2willDie. ?WillDie" This lead me onto a chase that i do not think was Edgar Allan Wright intentions, but when I looked back at those posters something po...
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Originally shared by Peter Smalley === BEGIN TRANSMISSION === Agents. It is has been said that ideas are bulletproof. That may be true. The fate of the body of Roland Jarvis, the disappearance of the scientist Bowles, and the intentions of the individual known as 855 - these things happened. They are the truth, and the truth must be known. Paper can be burned, but the truth can never be burned. Nor can hope. http://goo.gl/kOOcqL http://goo.gl/P2wPSx Agent Merkabah Resistance === END TRANSMISSION ===
I will be interesting to see just whats on these documents.
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I for one would love to know what 855 is up to as well.
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I for one would love to know what 855 is up to as well. #13Magnus Originally shared by Niko M Hulong Transglobal Visur Technology IQTech Research Peter Smalley and I have attempted contact numerous times. The information contained within the documents retrieved from the Seattle #13Magnus Ingress Anomaly will entitle you to a leg up on your competition. After 24 hours of attempting to contact both your respective companies as well as known employees, the time has come. If you wish to obtain the first look at what was written about your competitor, or to prevent this, please contact Peter and/or myself as soon as possible. You and your competitors all claim to be seekers of knowledge. If no contact is made within the next 12 hours, we will let the documents and the secrets contained within burn, the knowledge lost forever but to the few who have read what lies inside. Maybe you would like to know who paid the guards 300,000 EURO’s in CERN to allow the taking/kidnapping of 3 ...
Interesting area for sure.
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Interesting area for sure. Originally shared by Niantic Project I discovered this digging through some of PAC's old archival material. Unsure of it's origin, it could be pre-Niantic, or it could have been recorded while he was working at the Project. It's a fascinating and intimate retelling of the story from his youth that we've seen and heard in a few different places before: The crash of the experimental jet outside his childhood home. Listening to this, I'm struck by the transition and the journey this man has had over the last year. Does the Roland Jarvis in the Portals feel like the same person to you, or someone vastly different? As we rush towards the next series of #13MAGNUS Anomalies, which at this point I think we are all certain revolve somehow around Jarvis, which Jarvis are we fighting against and for? The man with the strange but compelling childhood story, or the grandiose visionary who compares himself to Osiris with metaphors of rebirth? A passcod...
Well done Agents!
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Well done Agents! Originally shared by Pam K (SnowXTC) Happy Green October On October 27th Enlightened Agents in eight different states came together to create a Green October in seven different states. With an MU count of 3,309,478 and 11 fields covering over 625,652 km2, agents completely covered the State of Wyoming, large portions of Montana and Colorado, and portions of Idaho, Utah, South Dakota, and Nebraska. With two and half weeks of planning and key swaps, agents managed to clear all Resistance and Enlightened blocking links and complete all planned fields. We had funtastic teamwork from all. Congratulations Enlightened agents of Operation Green October. Full SITREP to follow.
My bags are packed and I'm looking forward to some southern cooking and some heavy action down here for sure.
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My bags are packed and I'm looking forward to some southern cooking and some heavy action down here for sure. Originally shared by Ingress Here is a list of Emergent XM Anomalies based on the work of our Investigative community (in particular Agents Anthony Castanza, Owen Johnston, Jaredo Wens and Sonny Lee, with the assistance of many other agents, including Jonathan Roemer, Daniel Beaudoin and Storey Redshaw) and verified by highly-placed Intelligence sources. OCTOBER 12, 2013 Los Angeles, CA San Jose, CA Bangkok, Thailand OCTOBER 26, 2013 Seattle, WA Kiev, Ukraine NOVEMBER 2, 2013 Atlanta, GA Madrid, Spain Mumbai, India NOVEMBER 16, 2013 Dallas, TX Vienna, Austria DECEMBER 7, 2013 Phoenix, AZ Rome, Italy DECEMBER 14, 2013 San Francisco, CA Buenos Aires, Argentina The intelligence sources have indicated that as the #13MAGNUS data is analyzed further, secondary locations may also be uncovered. More information will be added to this Google+ event page as it becomes available. even...
We'll be roaming the area starting tomorrow night,Say hello if you see any of us.
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I'd love to see just what they have !
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I'd love to see just what they have ! "If what Phillips is saying is true, then the +Felicia Hajra-Lee pages about the CERN showdown, which are currently in Resistance possession, may hold information about the current status of 855 " Originally shared by Niantic Project Ken Owens: The New Boss. I've been having a hard time positioning this transcript in time. On the one hand, it seems possible that it's quite recent. On the other hand, it could date back to quite some time. Misty has been radio silent since Carrie's untimely death, and as far as P.A. Chapeau goes, he handed the board to me almost a month ago. I am hoping this transcript is in regard to that incident, and not something that happened to him while he was out off the grid. If what Phillips is saying is true, then the Felicia Hajra-Lee pages about the CERN showdown, which are currently in Resistance possession, may hold information about the current status of 855. The other thing that came to my...
#nianticproject #ingressinvite #ingress Joe Philley Brandon Badger
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Looks warm and I love the colors.
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Looks warm and I love the colors. Originally shared by Andy T After seeing the Enlightened winter cap I wanted a Resistance version. I called out to a friend in my Google+ circles to put one together for me. Rachel Palmer came through for me! Hope to be wearing mine in a couple days. I'll post a picture of me wearing this exact cap by the end of the week I hope. She's selling them if anyone else wants one. http://www.facebook.com/woolgatheringonline Brandon Badger Joe Philley What do you think?
Make sure she know what a good job shes done.
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Make sure she know what a good job shes done. Originally shared by Niko M My youngest made an Ingress pumpkin complete with Blinkies. It's nothing compared to others I've seen out there like Lukas Lentz and Lexy Rochelle and many others but it's hers, she loves it and that's all that matters to me. Joe Philley Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller Brian Rose
Attention Agents:
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Originally shared by NIA Ops Attention Agents: As a reminder, the use of unofficial Ingress software or add-ons which interact with the Ingress game server or client may violate the Ingress Terms of Service. This includes but is not limited to mobile clients, desktop clients and plug-ins. In an effort to protect the quality of service and integrity of the game for all our agents, the use of unofficial Ingress software or add-ons may result in your account being banned, reset, or permanently deleted. Transmission Complete.
Great work and I'm sure it helped !
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Great work and I'm sure it helped ! Originally shared by Samantha Chalker (Isatis) I am Resistance agent @TheIsatis. This is the result of Operation Mountaineer's Kite, coinciding with #13magnus . We originally planned this between 6 portals on 10/26/13 but had to do 5, with one in Maryland, one in Pennsylvania, two in northern WV and one in southern WV to help out our comrades fighting the Enlightened in Seattle, WA. Since the anomaly started at 5pm Eastern (2pm Pacific) and global Mind Unit counts are counted toward the results, we decided to set the date to 10/26. Through a few weeks of planning, this is the field. Unfortunately, our center point was Jarvis'd an hour later. Even still we managed to swap enough keys between ourselves to make additional fields that, while not as big as this control field, were good enough to help boost the numbers for the Seattle win. Big thanks to @VODZ, @FullMetalGoatze, @Onesimu5, @jeffchannell, @Oscuru, and @Boremaniac for making this...
Well done Ladies of Malaysia.
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Well done Ladies of Malaysia. Originally shared by Arvind Bala (expediter) ENLIGHTENED LADIES RULE IN MALAYSIA! - SITREP : 26.10.2013 In a first for either faction in Malaysia, the ladies of the Enlightened Malaysia successfully created, linked and fielded 17 level 8 portals at Publika, a mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Husbands, boyfriends and sons were made to stand aside as the Enlightened women lit up the portals green on 26 October 2013. Agents involved included @ElayneAesSedai, @Orion83, @pandable, @sam121, @chantel, @ErrorQ, @7ZAZ3H6H, @Tenou. #ingressreport Ingress John Hanke Joe Philley Anne Beuttenmüller Brandon Badger
Looking forward the seeing you guys.We'll be staying down near the event site this trip.Wheres good to eat friday...
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People think Olympics or Coke I think of the great Agents I met last time I was in town.Now I hear agents are coming...
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People think Olympics or Coke I think of the great Agents I met last time I was in town.Now I hear agents are coming from all over to this one.This is going to be a blast....Better start farming its going to be a busy event. Originally shared by Ingress Here is a list of Emergent XM Anomalies based on the work of our Investigative community (in particular Agents Anthony Castanza, Owen Johnston, Jaredo Wens and Sonny Lee, with the assistance of many other agents, including Jonathan Roemer, Daniel Beaudoin and Storey Redshaw) and verified by highly-placed Intelligence sources. OCTOBER 12, 2013 Los Angeles, CA San Jose, CA Bangkok, Thailand OCTOBER 26, 2013 Seattle, WA Kiev, Ukraine NOVEMBER 2, 2013 Atlanta, GA Madrid, Spain Mumbai, India NOVEMBER 16, 2013 Dallas, TX Vienna, Austria DECEMBER 7, 2013 Phoenix, AZ Rome, Italy DECEMBER 14, 2013 San Francisco, CA Buenos Aires, Argentina The intelligence sources have indicated that as the #13MAGNUS data is analyzed further, secondary locations...
Excellent work "“Operation PAIR Shield” started at a local Philadelphia Resistance bar"
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Excellent work "“Operation PAIR Shield” started at a local Philadelphia Resistance bar" Originally shared by Phil A. (AgentPHL) *DECLASSIFIED* SITUATION REPORT (SITREP) DEBRIEFING - OPERATION PHILADELPHIA AREA INGRESS RESISTANCE (PAIR) SHIELD “Operation PAIR Shield” started at a local Philadelphia Resistance bar... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rIAamg6Xbf8Nys8T736RjzbSFIf463iG_mvV52raRzk/edit As of the release of this SITREP, the Shield continues to provide protection. (10/29/2013 2:30 AM EST) Final thanks to everyone involved. +Michael Dickard +Alexa Mayer +Mike Eisenstein +Phil A. +Michael Heser +Prash D +Rob L Woodson III +John Milligan +Raymond Cool +jon dambach +Defiant Beast +jose maxxzimo reyes +Adam Logan +jay mcguigan +Doreen Nicoletti +Anthony Nicoletti +alex curtis +Greg Holmes +Darryl Coleman +Brad Durandetta +Ann Durandetta +Karl Franke +Tom S +Aaron Andrews +George Rondinelli +Moses Halkopoulos +Ted Kerwin +Emiliya Terry +Mark Shellenberger +Rodney...