Nicely done agents.

Nicely done agents.

Originally shared by Jarvis NI

Northern LightHouse or Frog on a log

In the Northern Ireland the Enlightened are faced with a numerically superior foe who are often use large blue fields to limit humanities true potential. 

Following the latest attempt at subjugation by resistance agent tektron (helping net UltraKramKroc a Jarvis virus...which was nice) little over two weeks ago, our agents hatched a plot to not only strike back, but to also shine the light of hope into the minds of as many people as possible!

Phase one - tear down the blue field. This started the Sunday of the 23rd with agent westbay striking in Enniskillen and agent UltraKramKroc taking down the big field anchored over those locations. The agents involved then set up links to Banbridge from those locations to prevent the field being re-established.

Phase two - establish first fields. Agent Bannman was able to maximise on the linking potential by not only setting up the first big field between Newry, Banbridge and Newcastle, but he also used the linking boost to reach EL8 shortly after. Well done agent!

Phase three - make it grow. Some fine prep work from agent MeanMrAcid in Lurgan on the 29th left us in a good position to strike on the following morning. Come the morning of the 30th, on the site of the first powered flight in Ireland, our plan finally started to build up some velocity. Agent UltraKramKroc linked from there to Newcastle and to a portal in Belfast and also from another site to Lurgan creating an even bigger set of fields. 

Phase four- cap it off the last piece of the picture was completed by agent gcat who spent the morning hacking in Newcastle in order to get the vial keys needed. gcat raced to the portal in Belfast to raise the last field. What was the key-stone portal called? Aptly enough, Frog on the Log

Our community very much has a philosophy of what we can, when we can and this mission is proof that agents working together can achieve great result, even in face of what we can, all the time.

Be safe and be healthy agents!

  #IngressNiEnl   #lighthouse   #FrogOnALog  


  1. Enlightened of Northern Ireland, the Enlightened of Texas stand with you. Erin Go Braugh!


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