Originally shared by Valerie “AnandaUK” Wallace SitRep - Artifact #12 starts it’s journey. Another day, another set of artifacts appearing, and the Resistance machine rolls into action once more. After a great Anomaly win in Boulder, CO, our excellent decoders quickly established where the initial spawn points would be for the final set of Artifacts, and for the first time in the game, Ireland was to be the starting point of one of them. The UK has a fantastic network of people, and with a lot of cooperation between the individual countries we were confident we could move the Artifact to where we needed to. The plan was simple. Jump from the origin portal in Ireland over to the West coast of Scotland. From there, over to the East coast, and finally a single jump to the Faroe Islands. Easy right ? As if ;) With the Origin portal established, and jump route calculated, time to make some new friends, and re-establish some old contacts. Agents were recruited from across England, Ire...