SitRep - Artifact #12 starts it’s journey.

Originally shared by Valerie “AnandaUK” Wallace

SitRep - Artifact #12 starts it’s journey.

Another day, another set of artifacts appearing, and the Resistance machine rolls into action once more.  After a great Anomaly win in Boulder, CO, our excellent decoders quickly established where the initial spawn points would be for the final set of Artifacts, and for the first time in the game, Ireland was to be the starting point of one of them.

The UK has a fantastic network of people, and with a lot of cooperation between the individual countries we were confident we could move the Artifact to where we needed to.  The plan was simple.  Jump from the origin portal in Ireland over to the West coast of Scotland.  From there, over to the East coast, and finally a single jump to the Faroe Islands.  Easy right ? As if ;)

With the Origin portal established, and jump route calculated, time to make some new friends, and re-establish some old contacts.  
Agents were recruited from across England, Ireland and Scotland to work on this, and with time of the essence Key exchanges took place (@DogStar, @FROGDOGDIVER, @Phillbert, @Tektron, @AnandaUK @DiamondDuke), Intel monkeys were assigned (@Cypherion, @DogStar) and moral support acquired (@IrishStu)

Then to find the field agents, the ones who would be driving for hours, or standing in the freezing cold waiting for things to happen.  We knew we would need ground teams from at least 2 countries, and so calls were made and agents recruited.

Due to the relatively small number of players in Ireland, we had agents there performing multiple roles during the Op.  Credit goes to the following players
@DocMilo, @DogStar, @doopa, @FROGDOGDIVER, @lyno1234, @Phillbert, @StaticJay, @Tektron

Scotland mustered up a slew of familiar agents, including a couple of visitors from south of the border.  Credit goes to the following for their roles in the Op
@AnandaUK, @Chandy, @Fremlin, @Jayno, @Roach2010, @swatch, @Virtek

So, with teams and roles assigned it was time to get going.  With about 4 hours to go before the Artifact was due to materialise, agent @lyno1234 set off on his route to take out the Irish based blocking links.  A lot was riding on him, as initially he was the only agent available to clear the path for all of the designated jump route through Ireland & Northern Ireland.  With everyone else keeping their fingers crossed for no ENL response he cleared all the required blockers.  Two of the designated Artifact team (@FROGDOGDIVER&@StaticJay) also assisted on their way to the predicted spawn site.

Given we were planning a rapid fire series of links it was decided to set up a blocking path to the Faroes and East Coast of Scotland.  Earlier in the day, blue blocking links were taken out in the far north of Scotland by agent @scomack. Early Thursday morning in a well co-ordinated move, agents @Sheaffer @Chandy, @Fremlin and @Roach2010 took out the blocking links in Scotland, and agent @AnandaUK put up a cross country block, as well as a block to the Faroes. So far so good we thought.

Suddenly it was midnight.  Hangouts across the globe lit up with confirmation of the artifacts arriving as predicted.  Except Ireland.  Midnight came and went, and in Ireland the Shapers had their say.  The Origin portal went from a level 5 to neutral and no artifact appeared.  Frantic conversations occurred, and we were told to be patient.  So we were, and 10 mins later the portal was holding artifact #12.  Except instead of it being ready to make a link, it was holding a very sorry looking and lonely Level 1 resonator.

Calls were made and additional agents drafted in to get to the Origin site.  After an agonising delay, the portal was once again a Level 7, and the link was thrown to the west coast of Scotland.  With agent @Chandy having previously helped to build the target portal, at 02:00 UTC agents’@swatch&@Virtek confirmed receipt of the artifact in Scotland and #12 was on its way.

With the blocking link having been thrown some 2 hours earlier, the next transfer went without a hitch across to the East coast.  There, agents @AnandaUK&@Jayno played a brief game of Artifact pong and portal flip flop to get a link up to the Faroe Islands.  Of course, this wouldn’t be Ingress without the odd game of  #Calvinball, so midway through their jump sequence the jump time of 1 hour was suddenly dropped to 30 minutes.  In the end it worked out well, as it meant agents could go home earlier than expected.
Thank you and congratulations to all involved, this was a great example of solid teamwork across multiple countries.   

Once again final credit to the following agents:
@AnandaUK, @Chandy, @Cypherion, @DocMilo, @DogStar, @doopa, @Fremlin, @FROGDOGDIVER, @Jayno, @lyno1234, @Phillbert, @Roach2010, @StaticJay, @swatch, @Tektron, @Virtek @scomack @Sheaffer

An honourable mention goes to agent @minij82 for allowing @Roach2010 to leave her and run out in the middle of the night to take down a link for us, so that @Chandy could go to Stranraer and help deploy the portal there.



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