Next week November Lima may be coming to a town near you on her way to Gettysburg .Come visit talk #Ingress

Next week November Lima may be coming to a town near you on her way to Gettysburg .Come visit talk #Ingress
6/2 Memphis
6/3 St Louis
6/4 Louisville
6/5 Indianapolis
6/7 Cincinnati
6/11 Columbus
6/12 Cleveland
6/13 Pittsburgh
6/16 Richmond
6/17 Washington D.C.
6/18 Baltimore
Originally shared by November Lima (NL1331)
Ingress #NL1331 portal discovery mission resuming next week. Memphis 6/2, St Louis 6/3, Louisville 6/4, Indianapolis 6/5. Cincinnati on 6/7 for XM Anomaly. Then Columbus 6/11, Cleveland 6/12, Pittsburg 6/13, Richmond 6/16, Washington D.C. 6/17, Baltimore 6/18. Gettysburg on 6/21 for XM Anomaly.
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