Sitrep: Operation Babymaker 31/07/2014
Sitrep: Operation Babymaker 31/07/2014
Toowoomba Cross-Faction Field Art Operation
"We're having a baby!"
With these words, BanHammered (ENL), the agent formerly known as Sm3ghead (ENL) formerly known as cheesebeanie (RES) set off a chain of events that would change Toowoomba (Queensland, AUstralia) forever (okay so a few hours anyway).
"Baby Art for Alex?" Resistance agent @djthewombat proposed a few days later. Operation Babymaker was conceived.
It was always going to be cross-faction. For an agent who had been one of the original and most fearsome Resistance players in the city before flipping sides, there was no other option. Agents from around Toowoomba amassed in a secret Hangout and began planning. A giant dummy? A huge stork? A teddy bear? "How's about a giant baby head with a novelty viking helmet on?" Suggested @Shouthigh.
Time was running out, and we needed a plan. The due date was getting closer. Our local map nerd @CandyVanMan had plotted out a few designs, but none were quite 'right'.
On 22 July, Mrs @BanHammered gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! Her name was Indigo Fay and she had all the normal human parts except very small.
"hey, what if we did the initials?"@CandyVanMan said casually.
It was perfect. The map was drawn, the keys collected, and on 31st July a group of seven agents met in the city late at night to make it happen. After some initial blocker clearing, the plan was executed in a little over two hours.
After the fact, we met at the local Golden Arches to celebrate with caffeine and a video call to reveal the surprise (despite initial technical difficulties) - his daughter's initials were written over the city in 3.5km tall letters.
He was pretty happy.
Agent roll call:
@CandyVanMan Adam Forknall
@djthewombat David Johnston
@Fizzgig Michael Coombes
@linfragon Jack Anderson
@misskimmers Kim Kahler
@ScriptKitten Cameron LeDilly
@Seraphicus Julian Clarke
@Shouthigh Chris Reynolds
#ingress #sitrep #crossfaction #enlightened #resistance #toowoomba

Toowoomba Cross-Faction Field Art Operation
"We're having a baby!"
With these words, BanHammered (ENL), the agent formerly known as Sm3ghead (ENL) formerly known as cheesebeanie (RES) set off a chain of events that would change Toowoomba (Queensland, AUstralia) forever (okay so a few hours anyway).
"Baby Art for Alex?" Resistance agent @djthewombat proposed a few days later. Operation Babymaker was conceived.
It was always going to be cross-faction. For an agent who had been one of the original and most fearsome Resistance players in the city before flipping sides, there was no other option. Agents from around Toowoomba amassed in a secret Hangout and began planning. A giant dummy? A huge stork? A teddy bear? "How's about a giant baby head with a novelty viking helmet on?" Suggested @Shouthigh.
Time was running out, and we needed a plan. The due date was getting closer. Our local map nerd @CandyVanMan had plotted out a few designs, but none were quite 'right'.
On 22 July, Mrs @BanHammered gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! Her name was Indigo Fay and she had all the normal human parts except very small.
"hey, what if we did the initials?"@CandyVanMan said casually.
It was perfect. The map was drawn, the keys collected, and on 31st July a group of seven agents met in the city late at night to make it happen. After some initial blocker clearing, the plan was executed in a little over two hours.
After the fact, we met at the local Golden Arches to celebrate with caffeine and a video call to reveal the surprise (despite initial technical difficulties) - his daughter's initials were written over the city in 3.5km tall letters.
He was pretty happy.
Agent roll call:
@CandyVanMan Adam Forknall
@djthewombat David Johnston
@Fizzgig Michael Coombes
@linfragon Jack Anderson
@misskimmers Kim Kahler
@ScriptKitten Cameron LeDilly
@Seraphicus Julian Clarke
@Shouthigh Chris Reynolds
#ingress #sitrep #crossfaction #enlightened #resistance #toowoomba

From the entire clan, many thanks to all, proud to have Agents like these as part of the team