Nicely done agents!
Nicely done agents!
Originally shared by Philipp K.
#ingress Field Report
Op: #Zwiebelturm
Objective: Spreading the light for future Enlightened agents
Status: Success!
No better place in Berlin to build a Zwiebelturm than at the Brandenburger Tor.
36 agents met in stealth mode to farm keys of the 34 chosen portals. One hour later each link team got their set of keys, clearing teams collected some ADAs and operators looked for targets to be cleared. What happened in the next 90 minutes can be seen in the animations :)
Everyone had an awesome time, we had several people attending an event like that for the first time, we defended against smurf attacks, we played more or less just with our scanners, because the intel map still sucks, we were honored to have the lovely french travelling agent Lilyana with us and we had a lot of FUN, which was the main purpose :)
If I don't get the numbers wrong there should have been
Total Links 93
Total Fields 91
Max Layers 31
After successfully completing the masterplan, we grabbed some beers at the Späti and celebrated in a park and had some more beers at the famous c-base until 5 in the morning - thanks for having us!
Thanks to all the agents that had fun with us:
@5teph4n/@AgentT0m /@AndyMcRandy/@BlackAnthrax/@comsquare/@DongNanXiBei/@doppelfrank/@DorinCepheus/@elZAKoloco/@fraktion3/@GODisDEAD/@JaPPeB/@jugglerBerlin/@julesbonnot/@kozaky/@leoht/@MahendraSourie/@MoanoPontesco/@moenk/@MoquiMarble/@omally/@omnibart/@pcichon9/@pebcak/@philkaracho/@raquyas/@Schaedelbrecher/@seneca11/@Shadowwyrm/@silbermantel/@simare/@sonderangebot/@Spacke/@stm9x9/@toboter/@tomrules and RES agent @aiyub for beeing so nice and taking a group picture for us ;)
Big kudos to agent Amhehu for creating that brilliant linkplan - it can be used anywhere to rebuild similar multilayers with a very low key count, maximum number of fields and a very simple link procedure - so use it!
"We are the future, we nourish, we grow"
#XMforAll Ingress Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti Kent Long Brian Rose John Hanke Brandon Badger Mark Corkery #yolo

Originally shared by Philipp K.
#ingress Field Report
Op: #Zwiebelturm
Objective: Spreading the light for future Enlightened agents
Status: Success!
No better place in Berlin to build a Zwiebelturm than at the Brandenburger Tor.
36 agents met in stealth mode to farm keys of the 34 chosen portals. One hour later each link team got their set of keys, clearing teams collected some ADAs and operators looked for targets to be cleared. What happened in the next 90 minutes can be seen in the animations :)
Everyone had an awesome time, we had several people attending an event like that for the first time, we defended against smurf attacks, we played more or less just with our scanners, because the intel map still sucks, we were honored to have the lovely french travelling agent Lilyana with us and we had a lot of FUN, which was the main purpose :)
If I don't get the numbers wrong there should have been
Total Links 93
Total Fields 91
Max Layers 31
After successfully completing the masterplan, we grabbed some beers at the Späti and celebrated in a park and had some more beers at the famous c-base until 5 in the morning - thanks for having us!
Thanks to all the agents that had fun with us:
@5teph4n/@AgentT0m /@AndyMcRandy/@BlackAnthrax/@comsquare/@DongNanXiBei/@doppelfrank/@DorinCepheus/@elZAKoloco/@fraktion3/@GODisDEAD/@JaPPeB/@jugglerBerlin/@julesbonnot/@kozaky/@leoht/@MahendraSourie/@MoanoPontesco/@moenk/@MoquiMarble/@omally/@omnibart/@pcichon9/@pebcak/@philkaracho/@raquyas/@Schaedelbrecher/@seneca11/@Shadowwyrm/@silbermantel/@simare/@sonderangebot/@Spacke/@stm9x9/@toboter/@tomrules and RES agent @aiyub for beeing so nice and taking a group picture for us ;)
Big kudos to agent Amhehu for creating that brilliant linkplan - it can be used anywhere to rebuild similar multilayers with a very low key count, maximum number of fields and a very simple link procedure - so use it!
"We are the future, we nourish, we grow"
#XMforAll Ingress Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti Kent Long Brian Rose John Hanke Brandon Badger Mark Corkery #yolo

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