Well done and nice report.
Well done and nice report.
Originally shared by Pedro Luiz de Castro (Reaper)
FlashOP: 2 for the price of 1
It's Thursday afternoon. The weather is hot and we're winning the cycle by just a few thousand MUs. The cycle ends the next day at high noon. Since the resistance dominate the southern bank of the Tagus river we knew they only had to do a few layers and they'd surely win the cycle.
But the Enlightened were having none of that...
We sit down and jot a quick plan to cover the southern bank with a couple of multilayer fields. Most of the keys were in our possession. We just needed to grab a few from Oeiras for the vertex on the north side of the river.
During the remainder of the afternoon we asked a few agents from the Setúbal region(@mulungo and @twax) to clear path for us. This way, any activity down there wouldn't look strange to the resistance.
Later another agent (@bgraca) had to ADA two portals to clear a couple of blocking links.
It's past midnight and we're all having a cup of coffee at our headquarters discussing the plan, assigning teams and waiting for the next checkpoint to see what we were going to be dealing with.
It's 2AM and the resistance managed to boost the average by just a mere 5k MUs, putting them ahead of us.
So, while rubbing our hands with an evil look on our faces we go "They won't know what hit them!", cue maniacal laugh...
With teams assigned and keys exchanged each one of us sets course.
Team Espechial (@daymio, @SweetIris, @ZeManeli)- Espichel
Team Sonasol (@DaddyPT, @g4f4)- Quinta do Conde
Team Vanish (@killorca, @Pujol)- Almada
Team SimMasNão (@reaperfromhell, @AngSBadjoras)- Costa da Caparica
Team SecretWeapon (@OutfitJoe)- Oeiras
And our trusty @KuRTeN16 behind the intel map as Operator, who endured the whole night like a true champ. ;)
Team Sonasol and Team Vanish, our heavy-duty stain removers, cleared the path as there were still a few blockers left. And as soon as their part was complete they both roamed around destroying most of the blue leftover stains...
Team SimMasNão went straight to Costa da Caparica where a sole portal needed to be ADA'ed.
As the night began turning into day, suddenly we remembered that one of our agents (@coltmania) likes to link and field over the river on his way to work... We quickly comm bombed him, opened Hangouts with him begging him not to do his usual fields over the river. He promptly agreed not to, so now (a little bit more assured) we waited till the last possible moment to put the field up.
At 6h15, Team SimMasNão deploys the it's ADA clearing the last blockers. Now both Team Espechial and Team SecretWeapon are able to put up all three layers of the field.
By 6h30 all three layers were up and now we had our fingers crossed that no one would be quick enough to take it down before the checkpoint.
Everybody started returning back to Lisbon to have breakfast. But Team SimMasNão still went a bit more south to kill a few more fields at Fonte da Telha before the checkpoint.
Checkpoint time... It passed!!! :D
Congratz everybody!!! Great OP guys!! \o/
Everybody is sleep deprived, some went straight to work, while others (understandably) went to bed.
At 08h55 agent @halmadah destroyed the Espichel vertex bringing down all the fields. Yet we don't care, as we pretty much won the cycle.
Fast-forward a few hours.
It's Saturday 1AM and the cycle just started. We look at the map and baffled see how the path for the southern link is sill wide open and the northern one was up. We immediately think... Can it be possible that we're gonna recreate the same fields two nights in a row?
Only a couple of blockers along the western link, so @daymio and I agree that I would take care of the blockers and he'd recreate the fields from Espichel.
And so we did... I went to Oeiras to ADA two more portals, and @daymio by himself went to Espichel. Checkpoint is at 3AM and with 10min to spare, he throws the links.
Success!!! The fields are back up...
Now, not only did we win the previous cycle in great style, we now have a great head-start for this cycle. :D
Thanks to everyone who participated.
And till next time! o/
Signing off,
Agent @reaperfromhell
bgraca - Bruno Graca
coltmania - Carlos Pires
DaddyPT - Luis Matos
daymio - Pedro Esteves
g4f4 - Bernardo Lopes
killorca - Rita Pinto
KuRTeN16 - Andre Baptista
mulungo - Bruno Bruges Grade
OutfitJoe - Jose Caneira
Pujol - Antonio H
reaperfromhell - myself
SweetIris - Iris Andreia Libório
twax - Diogo Lourenço
ZeManeli - Zé Maneli
#ingress #ingressreport #enlightened
Matilde Tusberti Joe Philley Anne Beuttenmüller Brian Rose Brandon Badger

Originally shared by Pedro Luiz de Castro (Reaper)
FlashOP: 2 for the price of 1
It's Thursday afternoon. The weather is hot and we're winning the cycle by just a few thousand MUs. The cycle ends the next day at high noon. Since the resistance dominate the southern bank of the Tagus river we knew they only had to do a few layers and they'd surely win the cycle.
But the Enlightened were having none of that...
We sit down and jot a quick plan to cover the southern bank with a couple of multilayer fields. Most of the keys were in our possession. We just needed to grab a few from Oeiras for the vertex on the north side of the river.
During the remainder of the afternoon we asked a few agents from the Setúbal region(@mulungo and @twax) to clear path for us. This way, any activity down there wouldn't look strange to the resistance.
Later another agent (@bgraca) had to ADA two portals to clear a couple of blocking links.
It's past midnight and we're all having a cup of coffee at our headquarters discussing the plan, assigning teams and waiting for the next checkpoint to see what we were going to be dealing with.
It's 2AM and the resistance managed to boost the average by just a mere 5k MUs, putting them ahead of us.
So, while rubbing our hands with an evil look on our faces we go "They won't know what hit them!", cue maniacal laugh...
With teams assigned and keys exchanged each one of us sets course.
Team Espechial (@daymio, @SweetIris, @ZeManeli)- Espichel
Team Sonasol (@DaddyPT, @g4f4)- Quinta do Conde
Team Vanish (@killorca, @Pujol)- Almada
Team SimMasNão (@reaperfromhell, @AngSBadjoras)- Costa da Caparica
Team SecretWeapon (@OutfitJoe)- Oeiras
And our trusty @KuRTeN16 behind the intel map as Operator, who endured the whole night like a true champ. ;)
Team Sonasol and Team Vanish, our heavy-duty stain removers, cleared the path as there were still a few blockers left. And as soon as their part was complete they both roamed around destroying most of the blue leftover stains...
Team SimMasNão went straight to Costa da Caparica where a sole portal needed to be ADA'ed.
As the night began turning into day, suddenly we remembered that one of our agents (@coltmania) likes to link and field over the river on his way to work... We quickly comm bombed him, opened Hangouts with him begging him not to do his usual fields over the river. He promptly agreed not to, so now (a little bit more assured) we waited till the last possible moment to put the field up.
At 6h15, Team SimMasNão deploys the it's ADA clearing the last blockers. Now both Team Espechial and Team SecretWeapon are able to put up all three layers of the field.
By 6h30 all three layers were up and now we had our fingers crossed that no one would be quick enough to take it down before the checkpoint.
Everybody started returning back to Lisbon to have breakfast. But Team SimMasNão still went a bit more south to kill a few more fields at Fonte da Telha before the checkpoint.
Checkpoint time... It passed!!! :D
Congratz everybody!!! Great OP guys!! \o/
Everybody is sleep deprived, some went straight to work, while others (understandably) went to bed.
At 08h55 agent @halmadah destroyed the Espichel vertex bringing down all the fields. Yet we don't care, as we pretty much won the cycle.
Fast-forward a few hours.
It's Saturday 1AM and the cycle just started. We look at the map and baffled see how the path for the southern link is sill wide open and the northern one was up. We immediately think... Can it be possible that we're gonna recreate the same fields two nights in a row?
Only a couple of blockers along the western link, so @daymio and I agree that I would take care of the blockers and he'd recreate the fields from Espichel.
And so we did... I went to Oeiras to ADA two more portals, and @daymio by himself went to Espichel. Checkpoint is at 3AM and with 10min to spare, he throws the links.
Success!!! The fields are back up...
Now, not only did we win the previous cycle in great style, we now have a great head-start for this cycle. :D
Thanks to everyone who participated.
And till next time! o/
Signing off,
Agent @reaperfromhell
bgraca - Bruno Graca
coltmania - Carlos Pires
DaddyPT - Luis Matos
daymio - Pedro Esteves
g4f4 - Bernardo Lopes
killorca - Rita Pinto
KuRTeN16 - Andre Baptista
mulungo - Bruno Bruges Grade
OutfitJoe - Jose Caneira
Pujol - Antonio H
reaperfromhell - myself
SweetIris - Iris Andreia Libório
twax - Diogo Lourenço
ZeManeli - Zé Maneli
#ingress #ingressreport #enlightened
Matilde Tusberti Joe Philley Anne Beuttenmüller Brian Rose Brandon Badger

Forgot to mention... It added up to 1.2M MUs ^_^