Following each Resistance victory at the #Darsana Anomalies on October 18th, the Beacons created by Agents during...

Originally shared by Niantic Project

Following each Resistance victory at the #Darsana Anomalies on October 18th, the Beacons created by Agents during #Helios came to life.

According to leaked documents, they transmitted two short and unique burst transmissions, one following each Anomaly. The intent, destination and meaning of these data-bursts remain unknown, although some have speculated that an Enlightened victory may have prevented these transmissions from occurring altogether.

The Ingress Report was previously able to obtain a small piece of this transmission, I have been able to gain access to the complete raw signal capture.

Amidst the many unknowns, one thing is certain. Many are deeply worried about these signals, what they mean, and where they are going.

For now, our best approach, as always, is to dig deeper and deeper until we can find some semblance of the truth. Agents and Investigators, good luck in your pursuit.



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