I love those huge deep colored fields.Well done agents!

I love those huge deep colored fields.Well done agents!

Originally shared by Enlightened Covilhã

Last week the #Enlightened #Covilhã team planned an operation to celebrate the anniversary of Ingress, the objective was to cover our city Covilhã and also Seia (Resistance dominated city) with several CFs.

Operation was called "Bota Miusgo" and with 9 multi CFs and a total of 528.573MUs this operation was a sucess. 

Agents on the field:

Coordinated by @KuRTeN16 at intel. 
We also want to thank the cooperation of agent @Layla with an ADA on a portal at Miro, that enable all the CFs to be done. 

More operations soon, best regards #ENLCVL

Matilde Tusberti Joe Philley Anne Beuttenmüller Niantic Project Ingress #ingressyeartwo


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