“Hello, Dr. Bogdanovich” a voice said from behind them.
“Hello, Dr. Bogdanovich” a voice said from behind them.
Originally shared by Felicia Hajra-Lee
The Experts
As the dust settled around them, a figure stepped through cloud, moving toward them both. A ghost. A demon. The angel of death. Devra realized they had met before. 855 lowered the 45 automatic in his hand toward his side. “You must have a lot of co...
Originally shared by Felicia Hajra-Lee
The Experts
As the dust settled around them, a figure stepped through cloud, moving toward them both. A ghost. A demon. The angel of death. Devra realized they had met before. 855 lowered the 45 automatic in his hand toward his side. “You must have a lot of co...
Love seeing 855 and Bowles finally resurface!