I do love those big deep colored fields.
I do love those big deep colored fields.
Originally shared by John McMurtry
Operation This is MY badge!: Onyx Illuminator
I am Demothesses. I build. I smash. I farm. But what I play for is Mind Units. I can't express how frustrated I'd become that there was new badges for a zillion things, but not for MU captured. I was overjoyed my badge had finally come!
I got Platinum Illuminator right out of the gate with 3.85 Million mind units already in the bank. I do most my fielding solo, or semi-solo. My fields tend to be 5kmu to 30kmu, though I’ve been known to micro layer a cluster now and then. The largest field I've ever closed was under 150kmu. With a field to link ratio of 0.95 it’s safe to say I plan every single link I throw. I've fought layer after layer, field after field for every mind unit.
So there it was, staring at me. Onyx Illuminator and only 150kmu to go. I pulled up intel and the map spoke to me. 3 candidate fields laid themselves out, beckoning to be built. I picked the one I had the most keys to, grabbed my supplies and headed out.
Phase 1 was the usual smoke and mirrors. I drove all over the hills east of Seattle killing blockers, laying false trails, and eating dinner. An epic saga of miles driven and calories consumed.
I already had keys for the east anchor, so phase 2 was harvesting keys for the south-west anchor. Very rare heat sink, very rare multi hack, and 17 perfect glyph hacks later I had my keys.
Phase 3 is always the hardest part. Once the anchor link is thrown it becomes much easier for your opponents to guess your intent and block your field. Up to that point one can head fake and sneak about.
You throw that link and the clock starts. Can you close the first layer before the blockers start? Will your anchors stay in place? How good are your backup plans? Being a solo fielder means the clock is everything. This is the rush and thrill that makes big fields the best part of the game.
I threw the anchor and a rail link, then drove to and killed the last blocker (it was on the way). The clock was running and I made haste for the first layer.
My efforts had obviously not gone unnoticed. I’ve done enough of these fields I always expect opposition. The local enlightened know me and know what I do. I take it as a badge of honor that my every action sets off suspicion, if not all out alarm. Mid way to my first field the Enlightened killed my rail link and threw blockers from the center of my field target. It was an hour round trip to kill the blocker and get back to my field. If I went to kill it my opponents could have it back up far before I could get to a closing point for the field.
I was done for.
It doesn’t matter what level you are, how much gear you have, or how many tricks you know. True power in this game is team based. I was facing at least 3 enlightened players coordinating to stop me, and they were doing it with ease. They had killed my rail and stuffed me with blockers. So I pulled the solo-player wild card. I put a call out to my teammates asking if anyone could kill the blockers. Colin Mancer came to the rescue!
Colin dropped his evening plan and rushed to the portal. Within minutes he had the blockers down. I jumped on the field so fast he hardly had a chance to yell go. The first 3 layers went up in rapid succession netting 16,500 mind units each. We were off to the races! I knew the enlightened players I was facing. I knew they wouldn’t be suckered into chasing the spine as I threw fields over their heads. The race was how many layers I could throw before they killed an anchor.
After the first 3 layers in Carnation I had ~50,000 mind units down and 100k to go. I moved to Stillwater and added another layer for ~20kmu. I raced toward Duvall capping portals and throwing links as fast as I knew how.
I never saw the pop-up, so I don’t know at what portal it happened. I reached the end of my Duvall line, checked my stats, and there it was: Onyx Illuminator! The badge I thought would never exist was mine! And I’d over run it by 50,000 mind units
Fielders are by nature crazy. We spend the most money doing that which gets us the lease AP. I looked at the map. I looked at my keys. Knowing I had already achieved my goal I still felt compelled to add 4 more layers in Monroe. Possibly for another 150kmu.
I drove to the south side of Monroe, built my portal, pulled up the link list… and the east anchor was gone. My east anchor was already deployed and I already had keys for it before I started this opp. So I never got the notice it was killed. Blockers now sprang from a green portal that had been my anchor. For the second time in the same night I’d been thwarted by the same players. I’d made my goal. But since I’d added a new goal, and had been stopped, I felt like I had left something un-done. It was frustrating on a very deep level (I hadn’t gotten screen shots!!! Baggghhhhh!!!!!)
But I am Demothesses! I’m the craziest of the crazies! No one knows fields like I do. The enlightened had only killed one anchor. I still had an entire pyramid of fields I could inner-layer off of. I also noticed the score marker was at 1AM. The time was 11:35pm. I had an hour to drive and a hand full of keys to grab from the former spine. It was likely my opposition had declared victory and gone to bed (I would have). If I could only make Monroe to Snoqualmie Pass before the marker!...
The key drop gods smiled. I got all 5 keys I needed on the first hack, and without stopping. Being midnight the traffic gods smiled as well. Open highway melted before my charge. I raced toward my goal through the dark night. I trusted to memory to guild me knowing a single missed turn would cost me the marker.
At 12:55AM I stood with Alpental Bears in my scanner circle. All night long time had been my greatest downfall. Now I wielded it like a weapon. There was no possible way the enlightened could respond to a field thrown so close to the marker. They left the portal full deployed with 4 strong shields, so I took it with an ADA. Then started throwing links like a mad man. Field after field closed and each time I slammed the back button, not waiting or having time for animations (which do look cool, when you’re not in a hurry). Finally the scanner declared: “no more available links!” I held my breath and looked at the time. It was 12:59. Crazed obsessive compulsive maniac for the win! Oh yeah!
I did some destruction of opportunity while I was on the pass. Then drove home under a blanket of deep azure blue. Being so late it stood for 2 markers. I woke up with it still overhead. @TheTriangulator took one for the team and re-killed Alpental Bears before the 11 AM marker. Well played sir.
All told:
356,094 mind units captured (new single-day personal best)
Largest field: 26,465 MU
~150,000 mind units stood for 2 markers
9 layers on first throw, 7 on second.
42 links, 42 fields.
Over 200 miles driven and 6 hours of play.
I was planner, key collector, smasher, linker, and operator for this field. But Colin was the hero who save the day. I owe you one man!
Special thanks to the Enlightened players who made this difficult. It wouldn't have been nearly as satisfying had you done nothing. Until next time! ;)
Joe Philley #OnyxIlluminator #BAF #ingress #WeAlwaysWin #Resistance
PS. Can we get those destroyer badges for links/fields now? I can't do what I do unless the other guys do what they do. Thanks!

Originally shared by John McMurtry
Operation This is MY badge!: Onyx Illuminator
I am Demothesses. I build. I smash. I farm. But what I play for is Mind Units. I can't express how frustrated I'd become that there was new badges for a zillion things, but not for MU captured. I was overjoyed my badge had finally come!
I got Platinum Illuminator right out of the gate with 3.85 Million mind units already in the bank. I do most my fielding solo, or semi-solo. My fields tend to be 5kmu to 30kmu, though I’ve been known to micro layer a cluster now and then. The largest field I've ever closed was under 150kmu. With a field to link ratio of 0.95 it’s safe to say I plan every single link I throw. I've fought layer after layer, field after field for every mind unit.
So there it was, staring at me. Onyx Illuminator and only 150kmu to go. I pulled up intel and the map spoke to me. 3 candidate fields laid themselves out, beckoning to be built. I picked the one I had the most keys to, grabbed my supplies and headed out.
Phase 1 was the usual smoke and mirrors. I drove all over the hills east of Seattle killing blockers, laying false trails, and eating dinner. An epic saga of miles driven and calories consumed.
I already had keys for the east anchor, so phase 2 was harvesting keys for the south-west anchor. Very rare heat sink, very rare multi hack, and 17 perfect glyph hacks later I had my keys.
Phase 3 is always the hardest part. Once the anchor link is thrown it becomes much easier for your opponents to guess your intent and block your field. Up to that point one can head fake and sneak about.
You throw that link and the clock starts. Can you close the first layer before the blockers start? Will your anchors stay in place? How good are your backup plans? Being a solo fielder means the clock is everything. This is the rush and thrill that makes big fields the best part of the game.
I threw the anchor and a rail link, then drove to and killed the last blocker (it was on the way). The clock was running and I made haste for the first layer.
My efforts had obviously not gone unnoticed. I’ve done enough of these fields I always expect opposition. The local enlightened know me and know what I do. I take it as a badge of honor that my every action sets off suspicion, if not all out alarm. Mid way to my first field the Enlightened killed my rail link and threw blockers from the center of my field target. It was an hour round trip to kill the blocker and get back to my field. If I went to kill it my opponents could have it back up far before I could get to a closing point for the field.
I was done for.
It doesn’t matter what level you are, how much gear you have, or how many tricks you know. True power in this game is team based. I was facing at least 3 enlightened players coordinating to stop me, and they were doing it with ease. They had killed my rail and stuffed me with blockers. So I pulled the solo-player wild card. I put a call out to my teammates asking if anyone could kill the blockers. Colin Mancer came to the rescue!
Colin dropped his evening plan and rushed to the portal. Within minutes he had the blockers down. I jumped on the field so fast he hardly had a chance to yell go. The first 3 layers went up in rapid succession netting 16,500 mind units each. We were off to the races! I knew the enlightened players I was facing. I knew they wouldn’t be suckered into chasing the spine as I threw fields over their heads. The race was how many layers I could throw before they killed an anchor.
After the first 3 layers in Carnation I had ~50,000 mind units down and 100k to go. I moved to Stillwater and added another layer for ~20kmu. I raced toward Duvall capping portals and throwing links as fast as I knew how.
I never saw the pop-up, so I don’t know at what portal it happened. I reached the end of my Duvall line, checked my stats, and there it was: Onyx Illuminator! The badge I thought would never exist was mine! And I’d over run it by 50,000 mind units
Fielders are by nature crazy. We spend the most money doing that which gets us the lease AP. I looked at the map. I looked at my keys. Knowing I had already achieved my goal I still felt compelled to add 4 more layers in Monroe. Possibly for another 150kmu.
I drove to the south side of Monroe, built my portal, pulled up the link list… and the east anchor was gone. My east anchor was already deployed and I already had keys for it before I started this opp. So I never got the notice it was killed. Blockers now sprang from a green portal that had been my anchor. For the second time in the same night I’d been thwarted by the same players. I’d made my goal. But since I’d added a new goal, and had been stopped, I felt like I had left something un-done. It was frustrating on a very deep level (I hadn’t gotten screen shots!!! Baggghhhhh!!!!!)
But I am Demothesses! I’m the craziest of the crazies! No one knows fields like I do. The enlightened had only killed one anchor. I still had an entire pyramid of fields I could inner-layer off of. I also noticed the score marker was at 1AM. The time was 11:35pm. I had an hour to drive and a hand full of keys to grab from the former spine. It was likely my opposition had declared victory and gone to bed (I would have). If I could only make Monroe to Snoqualmie Pass before the marker!...
The key drop gods smiled. I got all 5 keys I needed on the first hack, and without stopping. Being midnight the traffic gods smiled as well. Open highway melted before my charge. I raced toward my goal through the dark night. I trusted to memory to guild me knowing a single missed turn would cost me the marker.
At 12:55AM I stood with Alpental Bears in my scanner circle. All night long time had been my greatest downfall. Now I wielded it like a weapon. There was no possible way the enlightened could respond to a field thrown so close to the marker. They left the portal full deployed with 4 strong shields, so I took it with an ADA. Then started throwing links like a mad man. Field after field closed and each time I slammed the back button, not waiting or having time for animations (which do look cool, when you’re not in a hurry). Finally the scanner declared: “no more available links!” I held my breath and looked at the time. It was 12:59. Crazed obsessive compulsive maniac for the win! Oh yeah!
I did some destruction of opportunity while I was on the pass. Then drove home under a blanket of deep azure blue. Being so late it stood for 2 markers. I woke up with it still overhead. @TheTriangulator took one for the team and re-killed Alpental Bears before the 11 AM marker. Well played sir.
All told:
356,094 mind units captured (new single-day personal best)
Largest field: 26,465 MU
~150,000 mind units stood for 2 markers
9 layers on first throw, 7 on second.
42 links, 42 fields.
Over 200 miles driven and 6 hours of play.
I was planner, key collector, smasher, linker, and operator for this field. But Colin was the hero who save the day. I owe you one man!
Special thanks to the Enlightened players who made this difficult. It wouldn't have been nearly as satisfying had you done nothing. Until next time! ;)
Joe Philley #OnyxIlluminator #BAF #ingress #WeAlwaysWin #Resistance
PS. Can we get those destroyer badges for links/fields now? I can't do what I do unless the other guys do what they do. Thanks!

tl;dr boooooring
ReplyDeleteThat's some crazies right there ;-)
ReplyDeleteDavid Diggles there's 5 full screen pages full of self-adulation.
ReplyDeleteDarkG So move right along and don't let the door smack you on the way out. He cleared and fielded an area potentially twice the same night. I've had agents make my fields go away, plans thwarted etc. Its all part of the game. John McMurtry did well!
ReplyDeleteDavid Diggles - some people just can't be happy. He's got deep seeded issues that a game just can't fix.