Now this is cool,Well done everybody!
Now this is cool,Well done everybody!
Originally shared by Randall Jones
"Operation Out With a Bang" done the night of 2/27/15. Write up done by Heidi Hoopes, thanks all that was fun!
"Agents Fathom05 and Gallifrey21 (Delores Jones ), anticipating their imminent faction change, designed Operation Out With a Bang to celebrate and collaborate with teammates, both present and future. Op OWB started as blue and green starburst linking art and grew to 339 links by the time all the agents were finished (exhausted, out of keys, and/or out of gas) many hours later.
A starburst design attempts to link a few portals to the most portals possible, creating an explosive effect. Because of the 8 link limitation it requires many agents driving and linking from remote portals. It also requires expansive clearing, more so than even a BAF, because even a small link could be a blocker to what is essentially spamming an area with links.
Two close portals in Lafayette were selected, Water Ball and Shepherd's Community Church, and equipped to dish out the crazy amount of keys. The Resistance was represented well by Agents Spyrogyra (Patrick Farrell), Tinkerbe11 (Christine Blend), BigRaptor (Laurence Sullivan), Zirconshtc (Shannon C.), Psynotic (Lesli Cadena), SugarCircuit (JB Feldman), and MumbjoJumbo88 (Jerry Lee), while Agents tedly (Ted Harapat), MeerD (Heidi Hoopes), SpacemanBrown (Kyle Reysen), BadMoon63 (Bill Reysen), ComradeRad (Cory Stoker), and PsychoKitties (Cori Flinchbaugh) were recruited to represent the Enlightenment. Other agents were involved initially but weren't able to make the final event for various reasons, but we appreciate their interest, effort, and cheerleading.
Key farming was an amazing effort thanks to BadMoon63 and SpacemanBrown, in addition to Fathom and Gallifrey's own hacking. 361 keys were harvested from the two portals.
Clearing efforts began a couple days ahead of time, though the group realized that most clearing would have to happen not too long before the linking occurred. Fathom had created a plan extending links from Lafayette all the way to Louisville, Erie, Thornton, and Broomfield, but with the extra keys, agents also threw from Superior and Gunbarrel by the end of the night.
After dinner, agents flipped the anchor portals, innoculating with viruses to give an hour's safety from another flip, and deploying 4 AXA shields. A few more blockers were cleared, cars assembled, and we began to watch the full starburst explode, both on intel screens and also as we drove on roads striped with line after line, sometimes too close to count.
Two of the vehicles contained an agent from each side, adding flexibility to the remaining need to still clear blockers, and to link wherever they were needed. Fathom had prepared zones for each driving team and the actual linking process was smooth and efficient.
(Editor/ENL note: we're excited to have Fathom and Gallifrey on our team after their demonstration of planning and leadership skills!)
We thank those agents who sacrificed their neighborhood portals as we cleared and infested areas, sometimes with colors not usually seen there, and agents who interrupted their own fielding, such as Agent Anblick (Tim Bishop), who got his largest field ever, then graciously Jarvis'ed his creation, and Agent tacos2000 (Brice Calkins) who also offered to flip a portal for us.
After the art stood the night, Agent Spyrogyra brought down the links so normal gameplay could resume in the area.
The consensus over the team's hangout, often between opposing agents who had just met that night, was that there need not be an excuse for future cross-faction ventures, and that the exercise was an enjoyable and friendly way to collaborate. A gracious thank you to everyone who participated and also those who endured our nighttime incursion!"
"WE ALL WON, AS A GRUE or BLEEN TEAM" - Zirconshtc

Originally shared by Randall Jones
"Operation Out With a Bang" done the night of 2/27/15. Write up done by Heidi Hoopes, thanks all that was fun!
"Agents Fathom05 and Gallifrey21 (Delores Jones ), anticipating their imminent faction change, designed Operation Out With a Bang to celebrate and collaborate with teammates, both present and future. Op OWB started as blue and green starburst linking art and grew to 339 links by the time all the agents were finished (exhausted, out of keys, and/or out of gas) many hours later.
A starburst design attempts to link a few portals to the most portals possible, creating an explosive effect. Because of the 8 link limitation it requires many agents driving and linking from remote portals. It also requires expansive clearing, more so than even a BAF, because even a small link could be a blocker to what is essentially spamming an area with links.
Two close portals in Lafayette were selected, Water Ball and Shepherd's Community Church, and equipped to dish out the crazy amount of keys. The Resistance was represented well by Agents Spyrogyra (Patrick Farrell), Tinkerbe11 (Christine Blend), BigRaptor (Laurence Sullivan), Zirconshtc (Shannon C.), Psynotic (Lesli Cadena), SugarCircuit (JB Feldman), and MumbjoJumbo88 (Jerry Lee), while Agents tedly (Ted Harapat), MeerD (Heidi Hoopes), SpacemanBrown (Kyle Reysen), BadMoon63 (Bill Reysen), ComradeRad (Cory Stoker), and PsychoKitties (Cori Flinchbaugh) were recruited to represent the Enlightenment. Other agents were involved initially but weren't able to make the final event for various reasons, but we appreciate their interest, effort, and cheerleading.
Key farming was an amazing effort thanks to BadMoon63 and SpacemanBrown, in addition to Fathom and Gallifrey's own hacking. 361 keys were harvested from the two portals.
Clearing efforts began a couple days ahead of time, though the group realized that most clearing would have to happen not too long before the linking occurred. Fathom had created a plan extending links from Lafayette all the way to Louisville, Erie, Thornton, and Broomfield, but with the extra keys, agents also threw from Superior and Gunbarrel by the end of the night.
After dinner, agents flipped the anchor portals, innoculating with viruses to give an hour's safety from another flip, and deploying 4 AXA shields. A few more blockers were cleared, cars assembled, and we began to watch the full starburst explode, both on intel screens and also as we drove on roads striped with line after line, sometimes too close to count.
Two of the vehicles contained an agent from each side, adding flexibility to the remaining need to still clear blockers, and to link wherever they were needed. Fathom had prepared zones for each driving team and the actual linking process was smooth and efficient.
(Editor/ENL note: we're excited to have Fathom and Gallifrey on our team after their demonstration of planning and leadership skills!)
We thank those agents who sacrificed their neighborhood portals as we cleared and infested areas, sometimes with colors not usually seen there, and agents who interrupted their own fielding, such as Agent Anblick (Tim Bishop), who got his largest field ever, then graciously Jarvis'ed his creation, and Agent tacos2000 (Brice Calkins) who also offered to flip a portal for us.
After the art stood the night, Agent Spyrogyra brought down the links so normal gameplay could resume in the area.
The consensus over the team's hangout, often between opposing agents who had just met that night, was that there need not be an excuse for future cross-faction ventures, and that the exercise was an enjoyable and friendly way to collaborate. A gracious thank you to everyone who participated and also those who endured our nighttime incursion!"
"WE ALL WON, AS A GRUE or BLEEN TEAM" - Zirconshtc

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