
P. A. Chapeau, aka H. Richard Loeb comments on messages that seem to have come directly from the Doc in the wake of the Resistance victory in #Shonin .
Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb
Some of you may have seen messages emerge after Pasadena. I think they are directly from Devra Bogdanovich, strange as that may seem, and if I’m reading them right, it looks like she's become one with the Resistance cause.
Here’s the real problem though. Bogdanovich wasn’t the only one to go missing when Jahan’s N’zeer summoning ritual went bad. Stein Lightman, Calvin, Oliver Lynton-Wolfe... lots of people are missing. And nobody knows where they are. If I had to take a wild guess, I’d suspect that this is just the beginning of something much bigger.
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