Did you know that the American flag is flying at half mast during the opening titles scenes of Gilligan’s Island?

Did you know that the American flag is flying at half mast during the opening titles scenes of Gilligan’s Island? (Season One) This is because that footage started shooting on Nov. 22nd, 1963 - the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. -Joe


  1. I did not know that, now I do. Thanks for the post!

  2. Thank you for posting.  I didn't realize it either.

  3. Kennedy had  closed  the  door   to Cuba  and    tryied  to  expose  the  secrecy  of  the Vatican    during  His    time . He  and  walt  Disney  go   together   about  NASA/  america's  Nazi  movement of  the # 33

  4. Do you have a source? My understanding is a little different. It was the last day of shooting and the image above isn't from the opening credits https://youtu.be/cfR7qxtgCgY
    Opening scene maybe?

    Plus, wouldn't the flags be at half mast the following dad since they would have been raised to full height in the morning (before the news broke) and remain that way all day.

  5. Luke Shiras​, everything you read on the Internet is TRUE. There's your "source."

  6. Sarah Rosen been using this one for years the Samson and delilah was getting old.I have a new one now ;)

  7. Oh my goodness. That is haunting.

  8. Wow, strange comemoration of a sad day in world history.

  9. Yeah....that was my 10th birthday. Bummer.

  10. And Doctor Who premiered one day later, 23 November 1963. One or two of you here may have heard of that show. ;-)

  11. Nahhhh, I know Tom Baker from the movie "Dungeons & Dragons" was he ever in anything else? (ROFLMAO, JK, JK, I kid....)

  12. I never knew/heard that, how interesting! Was a great show

  13. Another interesting fact about Gilligans island is that when the show finished up the skipper went a bit loopy and kept acting as the skipper in real life.

  14. Interesting piece of information.

  15. Wow, I didn't notice but I haven't seen that show in years.

  16. George West Maybe    they  knew   ahead of  time    that he'd  be  killed  like British news  knew  ahead  of  tie   about   the   towers  being  hit. Murder  like   war  attacks  are     thought   out  well in advance  of  production  like     earths  7000  year  solar  stage  was   before  Adam  was   even  made of  dirt   to in God  the Sons  image s

  17. Hollywood   writes  the   war   moves  of  the  bible  with    regards  to   th e  world  out  out  Jesuit  catholic   war    empire  of  1814  before  the  pentagon  acts  them out

  18. Can't believe they continued shooting. I got the impression everything came to a stand still.

  19. Let the skipper be the skipper! It's better then anyone else has done

  20. Kennedy   ticked off the papacy  reps in George Washington's Jesuit  district of roman Babylon NYC by closing the catholic  door from Cuba into  Jesuit  Babylon   Holy war  empire. People have learned  men who wear black  robes  and  in Mysterious Babylon NYC and Rome  , and   and our Rome Baltimore's  suburban  city D.C  aren't  like  those  who wear  white  robes.. They don't  forgive  ya  70x  7 for  breaking the  law. Even Arch Bishops  in red  Skull Caps   at the Ivy league  Colleges  like Harvard  are  meaner  RedSkull Caps  are  signs  one is  familiar  with the  Satanic Skyll & Bones Frat like the  red  string on the  risk of  hollywood  elite  show   they have  ties  to the Skyll & Boners  of the pentacle  and  pentagram movement   to a 7 year  New  world  Order way of  doing  theings  that Herbert Walker Bush  began   seeing  come in the 90s.

  21. May have been a couple of days later (from internet trivia Gilligan):

    "The filming of the original pilot was due to wrap on Nov. 22, 1963. That was the day that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. As Lyndon Johnson was sworn in, all military installations including Honolulu Harbor were ordered to close for a two day mourning period, and filming was delayed by a few days. You can actually see the American flag flying at half mast during the first season opening credits in light of this tragic historic event."


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