R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for Ingress Agent Aydin Akcasu, who is riding his bike from Detroit to Seattle, over 2500 miles, to raise awareness and funds for the American Diabetes Association (ADA), tomorrow he rolls into Minnesota after 13 days on the road. I included pics from some of his on the road adventures.
He has inspired me and many others... I think a trip like this is something I would like to do some day, something I never thought I could do but Aydin is showing me we can do anything we put our mind to.
I decided to fly out to Minneapolis tomorrow to join other ingress players at a meetup especially for Aydin who's agent name is @aydea if you'd like to say hi. We've been in a hangout cheering him on in his journey.
My mother died of complications from Diabetes in 2009, it was horrible to watch her suffer as her organs shut down. This disease causes so much suffering in the world and there is something we can do by just learning how to eat right and exercise, and donating to help them find better treatments.
You can follow him on his journey at http://www.ridinwithaydin.com/ and at
Hope you can come to the meetup! Thank so you very much to Corey Peoples for organizing the meetup for Aydin! MEETUP DETAIL:
#IngressForGood #IngressFit #RydinwithAydin #ADA John Hanke Bill Kilday Joe Philley Ethan Lepouttre Olga Garcia Lamia Alonso Yennie Solheim Fuller Cheryl Pon Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti

He has inspired me and many others... I think a trip like this is something I would like to do some day, something I never thought I could do but Aydin is showing me we can do anything we put our mind to.
I decided to fly out to Minneapolis tomorrow to join other ingress players at a meetup especially for Aydin who's agent name is @aydea if you'd like to say hi. We've been in a hangout cheering him on in his journey.
My mother died of complications from Diabetes in 2009, it was horrible to watch her suffer as her organs shut down. This disease causes so much suffering in the world and there is something we can do by just learning how to eat right and exercise, and donating to help them find better treatments.
You can follow him on his journey at http://www.ridinwithaydin.com/ and at
Hope you can come to the meetup! Thank so you very much to Corey Peoples for organizing the meetup for Aydin! MEETUP DETAIL:
#IngressForGood #IngressFit #RydinwithAydin #ADA John Hanke Bill Kilday Joe Philley Ethan Lepouttre Olga Garcia Lamia Alonso Yennie Solheim Fuller Cheryl Pon Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti

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