This was a #BestIngressDays kind of day.
This was a #BestIngressDays kind of day.
Originally shared by Alan Davison
2 Years ago today was the #SaveKlue anomaly. It is hard to believe how much smaller it was than #persepolis . Here are some pictures from the Resistance meetup before the start. Yes, that is a large portion of the team. And to think we had several thousand players a couple of weeks ago. Swag was handed out by Joe Philley and Brian Rose out of the trunk of a rental car. They were the only Niantic Project staff there. It was a much smaller and more intimate time. If anyone else has picture please add them for historical purposes.

Originally shared by Alan Davison
2 Years ago today was the #SaveKlue anomaly. It is hard to believe how much smaller it was than #persepolis . Here are some pictures from the Resistance meetup before the start. Yes, that is a large portion of the team. And to think we had several thousand players a couple of weeks ago. Swag was handed out by Joe Philley and Brian Rose out of the trunk of a rental car. They were the only Niantic Project staff there. It was a much smaller and more intimate time. If anyone else has picture please add them for historical purposes.

I remember getting gear out of the rental car.