Excellent work agents! Originally shared by Tim Shields Operation #trianglecookie strikes again! Much of Arizona and western New Mexico is once again blanketed in blue with a nearly identical field to the one put up by NM agents Wednesday morning. After a late night attempt at TriangleCookie2 was blocked by last minute friendly links, the operation had to be put on hold for a much larger operation that blanked most of the southwest earlier today (keep your eyes peeled for the sitrep from this Multi-Million MU operation). Knowing that the field would likely be taken down quickly, we began planning to put #trianglecookie back up when it fell. Arizona agent Semperfi ran intel and coordinated taking down the few blockers that had gone up. Las Cruces agents syrrus and DovleK put up a second link to Farmington, NM to serve as a backstop, and used a Jarvis virus on some friendly blockers. Jeremy6820 dropped a blocker in Casa Grande and taaron and aldebaran27 threw links through Arizona. ...