Originally shared by Niantic Project As the first Persepolis Anomaly approaches, a pattern containing the identity of Stein Lightman appears to be manifesting within the Portal Network. Susanna Moyer shares exclusive details about a window of volatility that is expected to last until the end of the Persepolis Anomalies. In Washington D.C., Agents will be able to take part in the GORUCK HQ Light Challenge during the first #Persepolis Anomaly in order to obtain key Volatile Portal information for their Factions. Last week, the Agent-run interview show, Behind The Scanner, celebrated their 1st year anniversary. Susanna Moyer joined them for a candid interview about the Niantic Investigation and more. The insurance group, AXA, has created a new video to remind Agents everywhere to protect that which they hold dearest. In Tech News, a new statistic called the Current Hack Streak will allow Agents to track their progress as they attempt to obtain the Sojourner Medal. In addition, the emergen...