
Showing posts from November, 2013


Originally shared by Ingress JARVIS ENTITY XM SHARD STATUS - NOV 30 2013 The Resistance successfully move Jarvis Shard 11 to Argentina, near their Target Portal in Buenos Aires. Jarvis Shards 04, 06, 07, 12 have been collected around the Pacific Rim, a prime location for overseas shipping via Level 8 Portals upgraded with 4 Very Rare Link Amps. #13MAGNUS DEC 7 PRIMARY SITES:   Phoenix:   Rome:   SATELLITE SITES:   Athens:   Istanbul:   Nashville:   Tucson:   DEC 14 PRIMARY SITES:   Buenos Aires:   San Francisco: SATELLITE SITES:   Rio de Janeiro:   San Diego:   Santiago:   Sao Paulo:

Nicely done agents.

Nicely done agents. Originally shared by Jarvis NI Northern LightHouse or Frog on a log In the Northern Ireland the Enlightened are faced with a numerically superior foe who are often use large blue fields to limit humanities true potential.  Following the latest attempt at subjugation by resistance agent tektron (helping net UltraKramKroc a Jarvis virus...which was nice) little over two weeks ago, our agents hatched a plot to not only strike back, but to also shine the light of hope into the minds of as many people as possible! Phase one - tear down the blue field. This started the Sunday of the 23rd with agent westbay striking in Enniskillen and agent UltraKramKroc taking down the big field anchored over those locations. The agents involved then set up links to Banbridge from those locations to prevent the field being re-established. Phase two - establish first fields . Agent Bannman was able to maximise on the linking potential by not only setting up the first big field be...

It's just one week away.

Originally shared by Francesco Cecchi (ishter86) It's just one week away. We are getting ready, we will be fighting cluster by cluster till the last portal, Resistance will prevail! Rome won't fall again! #13magnus    #Rome   #resistance   #ingress   Ingress Anne Beuttenmüller Linda Besh Brandon Badger Joe Philley Niantic Project

Well done agents!

Well done agents! Originally shared by Claus Hamburg Pure Blue - Just enjoy.... #ingress #hamburg #resistance   #resistancehamburg   Anne Beuttenmüller Brandon Badger Joe Philley

Been a while since I put my producer hat on, here's my remix/mashup of enoch-dalby's Redemption and Epiphany...

Originally shared by Linden Darling Been a while since I put my producer hat on, here's my remix/mashup of enoch-dalby's Redemption and Epiphany tracks.174bpm techstep, by agent TekStep ;) #Ingress   #TuneIngress   #13magnus   enoch dalby  Joe Philley Anne Beuttenmüller Ed Parsons Brandon Badger  #ResistanceMelbourne

Congressmen seek medal for WW II-era US spy agency

Mild weather and lots of XM in the forecast... Hank Johnson and a few surprises headed to town I'm told.

Mild weather and lots of XM in the forecast... Hank Johnson and a few surprises headed to town I'm told.  Originally shared by Ingress Here is a list of Emergent XM Anomalies based on the work of our Investigative community (in particular Agents Anthony Castanza, Owen Johnston, Jaredo Wens and Sonny Lee, with the assistance of many other agents, including Jonathan Roemer, Daniel Beaudoin and Storey Redshaw) and verified by highly-placed Intelligence sources.   OCTOBER 12, 2013 Los Angeles, CA San Jose, CA Bangkok, Thailand OCTOBER 26, 2013 Seattle, WA Kiev, Ukraine NOVEMBER 2, 2013 Atlanta, GA Madrid, Spain Mumbai, India NOVEMBER 16, 2013 Dallas, TX Vienna, Austria DECEMBER 7, 2013 Phoenix, AZ Rome, Italy DECEMBER 14, 2013 San Francisco, CA Buenos Aires, Argentina The intelligence sources have indicated that as the #13MAGNUS data is analyzed further, secondary locations may also be uncovered. More information will be added to this Google+ event page as it becomes available. events/...

Hi everyone! Well it's that time of the week again. Time for the Google Earth Scavenger Hunt!

Originally shared by Google Earth Hi everyone! Well it's that time of the week again. Time for the Google Earth Scavenger Hunt !  Look at the clue below and leave your guess in the comments section below and don't forget the Google Earth coordinates .  Good luck!  Clue: Mary has been displaced in NV.

sweet !

sweet ! Originally shared by Владислав Моисеенко

And so it starts

And so it starts

Class act agents.

Class act agents. Originally shared by null I'm sure many people have heard about the devastating tornadoes that tore through central Illinois on Sunday. Washington, Illinois was hit hardest by this tragedy. A large portion of the town was impacted and over 1000 homes are destroyed. The destruction I have witnessed this week has been numbing. The stories I have heard have been both gut wrenching and inspiring. It has been incredible to see the way that everyone from the surrounding towns and nationally have banded together and pitched in to help this community get their lives back. In our local Ingress community, many have pitched in with vehicles, equipment, donations, time and whatever contributions they can to help those in need. While Ingress may be just a game, many of us in the local community felt the need to pay our respects to Washington on the game board as well. Since the game began in November, Washington has become a hot spot of sorts in the local game. While generally...

I got a cool shirt from the Missouri Resistance and Michael Finley today.Thanks guys

I got a cool shirt from the Missouri Resistance and Michael Finley today.Thanks guys #NianticProject   #Ingress  

INGRESS REPORT | Jarvis Shards Activity Surges - EP36 is now live:

Originally shared by Ingress INGRESS REPORT | Jarvis Shards Activity Surges - EP36 is now live: 0:11 Jarvis Shards 01 to 12 travel across geographical, political borders 1:31 Factions hint at strategies to unite Jarvis Shards in #13MAGNUS - SF and Buenos Aires 2:03 New tracks featuring the Jarvis Entity drop from enoch dalby  2:33 enoch dalby encourages Agents to remix #TuneIngress tracks 3:42 POTW: The Phoenix Share your SITREPs, Agent intel, and significant Portals with the #IngressReport hashtag, then sign the release at

Cool video thanks for sharing.

Cool video thanks for sharing. Originally shared by Kira Kroger According to Thunwa Somboonvit YouTube page This project is a part of assignments from Multimedia Editing I hope he got an A because this video is really cool.  h/t Igmu Hammerer

“I had a light-bulb moment,”

“I had a light-bulb moment,” Great seeing Google Earth being used like this.,0,4938369.story

We know she's not with Archie.

We know she's not with Archie. Originally shared by Niantic Project On the run, off the grid or gone forever? Susanna Moyer is missing. A compromised intelligence report from Visur Technology suggests that the XM Corporation, and one must assume its competitors, have been keeping an eye on the enigmatic host of the Ingress Report. Following a series of unauthorized injections into the Report's broadcast, the revelations emerged that Susanna Moyer had at one point been involved with the NIA. It's unclear as of now whether she remains under their control or if she went rogue when she created the Ingress Report. What's clear is that she is a target, and now, it seems, a moving one. Unable to contact Moyer, I reached out to one of her associates. I asked if they were OK, if the information was true, and whether they would be able to continue to produce the #IngressReport if the team had been forced to disappear into the shadows. The connection was terminated almost immediat...



Lab scientists just pushed out an update to the Intel Map. It should in theory be running more efficiently now.

Originally shared by Brandon Badger Lab scientists just pushed out an update to the Intel Map. It should in theory be running more efficiently now.

It has been an awesome year...I remember our first meeting at Blackbird park.

It has been an awesome year...I remember our first meeting at Blackbird park. Originally shared by Terry Stout Today, November 27th, marks #MyIngressBirthday . It has been a full year that I have been been playing this game on a nearly daily basis, and I have to say, it has made a considerable impact on my life. They say that anything you do for 30 days will become a habit, so I guess this could qualify as an addiction. When I started playing Ingress, I was the only Enlightened player in my area, portals were few and far apart, and it took me about 3 months, and a trip to Disneyland, to get to level 8. During that time, I joined my first, and only, social network (G+), and I started meeting vast amounts of people from all over the US and even other countries around world.  Some of those connections have proven to be very valuable to me, while others have not, but it is the sense of community and enjoyment that some of these friendships have provided me with that I keep coming back t...

Thank you muthu lakshmi for inquiring about what happens when Loon balloons need to be brought down ahead of...

Originally shared by Loon Thank you muthu lakshmi for inquiring about what happens when Loon balloons need to be brought down ahead of schedule. Parachuting is trickier at higher altitudes because the air is thinner, so there’s less for the parachute to grab onto as the balloon descends. So why not make the parachute larger? Turns out, the additional weight would require a bigger balloon to carry it, which would then require an even bigger parachute to safely catch that bigger balloon, which would then require an even bigger balloon to carry that bigger parachute… Sam, an aerospace engineer on Loon, explains the engineering that’s gone into resolving this parachute paradox.

Anybody still think Ingress is just a game?

Originally shared by flint dille Anybody still think Ingress is just a game?  this looks like Niantic Spin-off research.  I'm thinking this is really a combination of XM and glyphs.

THIS JUST IN: A judge has ordered the Sriracha hot sauce plant in Irwindale to partially shut down.

THIS JUST IN: A judge has ordered the Sriracha hot sauce plant in Irwindale to partially shut down.  Neighbors of the Huy Fong Foods plant have been complaining that the strong odors from the plant make them sick. The judge ruled the company must stop any kind of operations that could be causing the odors and make immediate changes. (This years crop has been mixed)

Agents and Investigators... I'll see you at #13MAGNUS in Phoenix.

Originally shared by Hank Johnson Agents and Investigators... I'll see you at #13MAGNUS in Phoenix. HJ

Well done agents thanks for adding to a epic weekend.

Well done agents thanks for adding to a epic weekend. Originally shared by Andre Baptista My codename is @KuRTeN16 and I'm from Covilhã a small city in Portugal. (,-7.500144&z=15 ) First #Enlightened to play here, I play #Ingress since January, Covilhã was a Resistance's City in that time, almost alone against 5 Resistance agents, I leveled up "fast" with few portals available around here, and I was the first L8 player at my city.  I'm L8 since May, and from May till now, and I've been building a team, recruiting friends and family, explaning the game, tactics, tricks, how to level faster, giving some inventory to others, and now we are around 15 to 20 players, 10 of them active.  Till three weeks ago, we were 7 L8 agents, expecting every day for the 8th agent. In the same week, one agent reaches L8 and two other agents from other city came to visit us, so what does a group of 10 L8 players?  First #L8 farm of Covi...

Joe Philley was tagged in Kira Kroger's album.

Joe Philley was tagged in Kira Kroger 's album.