I bet they can't see anything but green on the streets down there great work agents Originally shared by Filberto Booting Niantic Sitrep v1.00.0… * * * * JMP 0X1F POPL %ESI MOVL %ESI,0x8(%ESI) XORL %EAX,%EAX MOVB %EAX,0x7(%ESI) MOVL %EAX,0xC(%ESI) MOVB $0xB,%AL MOVL %ESI,%EBX LEAL 0x8(%ESI),%ECX * * * * OPS V♥V Our Target: Cover middle Indonesia with green layer control fields. Come with an idea to do something crazy to leave a wonderful memories with my girlfriend, Me (@Voidless) suggesting my girlfriend (@Vite) to make mega cf in the middle of our beloved country, Indonesia (Hell yeah, we are the stars tonight!). This ops is our first month anniversary present. We started our ops by making plans (this was the hard part). After the plan is fixed, I do re-briefing to all involved agents.We contacted Kalimantan local agents (@isnuwardana and @killerking) and also Surabaya local agents that going to Sampit, Kalimantan (@break29 and @infernaldawn). Suddenly, unexpected thing...