
Showing posts from December, 2014

Joe Philley was tagged in Danny O's album.

Joe Philley was tagged in Danny O 's album.


Happy New Years everyone I hope next year is half as good as 2014 #Ingress



Snow day

Snow day

Mono lake

Mono lake



Heading out for New Years

Heading out for New Years


Originally shared by ena koura (Ririna) 本当はみーんな描きたかったのですが流石に紙の大きさと 握力が底を尽きました(; ・`д・´) 緑も青も関係なくごちゃ混ぜにさせてもらってます(*´ω`)   あけましておめでとうございます。   自分がいるかはよーく見てみてくださいな~ あと、ももんがさん尻尾ペン入れ忘れてた。ごめんなさい(;´Д`)

Stein Lightman

 Stein Lightman   proposes a new Glyph for the N'zeer, and calls out to the Investigative community for help in attempting to decipher their identity. Originally shared by Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb Thank you for sharing that Glyph analysis with me. These days I've been working mostly on attempting to learn more about the N'zeer. I suspect 2015 will be the Age of the N'zeer, and I intend to be forearmed with knowledge. Hank Johnson has gone radio silent, so for now, the work continues without him. I've been pondering something astute you said some time ago:  "In mathematics, two negatives make a positive. In analysis, something similar can be true. Given enough lies, one can often piece them together and see the truth in the negative space produced between them." We know about the 'Ultimate' from Roland Jarvis's descriptions of it, and we know that the N'zeer represent a force that directly opposes the Shapers. Previously I thought this...



Excellent fielding agents

Excellent fielding agents Originally shared by Momon Gasan (Momongadget) SITREP: Dekkai-Sankaku-Tsukurouze (English follows Japanese) Darsana TokyoでCFチームを担当したEnlightened AgentのMomongadgetです。 Agentになってちょうど2年、少しずつ自分のできることが広がっていく事を日々楽しんでいますが、今回まさかこの規模でのCF作成が実現できるとは思いませんでした。 今回のイベントでは、ひとりひとりの得意分野や能力をつぎこみ、その総和が陣営の強さにつながる、ということをいつも以上に実感しました。 広報部、通信部、クラスタチーム・・・何ひとつ欠けても勝利につながらなかったでしょう。 そのなかで、クラスタでの基礎点を押し上げる役割のCFチームに携わることができたことは、とても幸運に思います。状況的にも不利ななか勝てたこと、本当に嬉しいです! しかしイベント前の約一週間、CFの事/CF以外の事問わずやることがてんこ盛りで自分のキャパシティを明らかに超えてしまい、必要な説明も十分に無いままに協力をお願いしてしまう部分もありました(実際傍目からは相当テンパっているように見えたようです...)。そのため一部のAgentさんには不快な思いをさせてしまった事、申し訳なく思っています。 今回の経験・反省・成果を次のステップに結び付けて、今後も皆で楽しめるIngressを続けていきたいです。 2か月に渡ったDarsana Tokyo CFチームの活動について、簡単にまとめてみました。 ご一読いただければ幸いです。 =====  - 10月はじめ 9月末まで続いたHeliosシリーズが終わって1週間後、XM Anomalyの東京開催発表。Agentに休息はない。 XM AnomalyではクラスタをCFで囲った場合にボーナス点が加算される(配点はイベントシリーズ毎に多少変わり、この時はまだ未発表だった)。 人数において劣勢の東京Enlightenedは、昨年8月の東京、今年5月の石巻に続き、今回もCF作成を計画するのは必然だった。 CF案を数点出してみる。起点は襟裳岬と国内数か所。 横から黄色いひよこの声が聞こえる。 ...

Coast to Coast - Part 1

Coast to Coast - Part 1 This was an epic trip across the entire United States.  Coast to coast.  Over 3000 miles, 10 states, 2 brothers, a girlfriend, and countless new friends.  Memories that will last me a lifetime. Nick Pope and I left Vancouver early Saturday morning, and arrived at LAX at around noon.  We struggled to get an Uber from the airport (turns out there is a geofence... thanks for letting us know Uber), but eventually caught a cab.  Google Maps is great, except when it's not and ends up costing you $120 for a cab ride that should have costed $60. We pick up the RV, and finally get on the road at 4pm.  This thing is huge, I'm talking a 28 footer, with sleeping room for at least 6 (you could make 8 work though).  We nickname it the Canyonaro for the turning radius, acceleration rate, gas consumption, and size.  It was to be our living quarters for the next 4 days as we sped across half the US to Dallas, TX. We got out of Los Angeles as quickly as possible, not beca...

The Resistance captured #Darsana Charleston and the XM Anomaly Series on Dec 13, ushering in the Age of the N'zeer.

Originally shared by Ingress The Resistance captured #Darsana Charleston and the XM Anomaly Series on Dec 13, ushering in the Age of the N'zeer. But the Enlightened will never stop working to evolve humanity:  Feb 21:   Primary Site: Florence, IT   Primary Site: Austin, TX, US     March 28: Primary Site: Kyoto, JP Primary Site: Hanover, DE   Primary Site: Pasadena, CA, US

Mails in thanks Zeke Cao love it.

Mails in thanks Zeke Cao love it.

I ilke the looks here

I ilke the looks here Originally shared by MiuAnemone RES xTSUYOx氏によるポータルキーをいただきました♪感謝感激、思わずクルクル回したくなる(笑)ありがたや〜! #INGRESS

Cool story

Cool story



Here is one of the winners of the hint Ingress giveaway!

Originally shared by HINT Water Here is one of the winners of the hint Ingress giveaway! Agents in Pennsylvania watch out he's armed with the big guns.  Jarvis and ADA + Hint Water Cap Codes. #ingress   #enlightened   #resistance #ingressyeartwo

Provenza: “You picked a charming lad to save, Father Flynn.”

Originally shared by Major Crimes on TNT Provenza: “You picked a charming lad to save, Father Flynn.” What did you think about last night's episode?

If you want to see these amazing rocks now is the time.....There is nothing like winter in Death Valley

If you want to see these amazing rocks now is the time.....There is nothing like winter in Death Valley

Pocket Gamer shares some info on the upcoming mobile game.

Originally shared by Endgame Pocket Gamer shares some info on the upcoming mobile game.  Endgame looks to "connect game mechanics to narrative in a way that hasn't been done before. What you do in the immersive story matters in the mobile game in real time. "It's not some ephemeral single thread that connects them. In real time the things you do in either one matters in its counterpart."

Ingress Mission Approved: Hike Death Valley

Ingress Mission Approved: Hike Death Valley #Ingressmissions   #kerncounty   #SailingStones

Google’s Larry Page: The most ambitious CEO in the universe

Excellent work agents, I do love them deep colored fields!

Excellent work agents, I do love them deep colored fields! Originally shared by Brennon Dickson OPERATION JANGEL BELLS (aka "Smurf House") 6 States 57 Agents 20 Scoring Regions 35.1 Million Mind Units Captured 3 Urban Centers Fielded 9 New Members to the Million MU club Joe Philley​​​ Brian Rose​​​ Brandon Badger​​​ Susanna Moyer​​​ Niantic Project​​​ #jangelbells #NEABlackOps #MFBAF #MidsouthResistance #ingressreport This one was bittersweet for me. Despite overall mission success, some agents put forth great effort but fell short of their goal. I dedicate this sitrep to those people. With an Op this large and including seven extensive fielding lanes, it is extremely difficult to cover every potential situation that may arise. In the end, we fell one distant block short of scoring every section of this triple BAF. #Jangelbells began when my high school friend Jeremy Angel​​​ informed me that he would be coming home for the holidays. He expressed his desire to field while ...



Now this is amazing, Happy new years agents and well done!

Now this is amazing, Happy new years agents and well done! Originally shared by Anton Khudozhnik (Toxyd) #Ingress   #Fieldart   #ingressNewYear   #xfactionevent   #ingressreport   New Year cross-faction field art in Yekaterinburg, Russia, December 26-27.  11 days before the operation the city was covered with two fields of both colors, to clear unwanted links more easily. The blue field was smaller but with higher MU (usual Ingress math strangeness). Cover teams: @Toxyd  [Res] @shved  [Enl] @Makcimko  [Enl] @Treenite   [Res] @johnrea  [Res] @Hedgefish   [Res] @Hachubra  [Res] @silass  [Res] @KtYeti    [Res] @iXDi   [Enl] After long and heavy disputes about what to picture with the field art a brilliant idea (by @Hyma) arose: the Spasskaya Tower with its clock, a Russian New Year symbol. On Dec 25 we made a cross-faction Catholic Christmas L8 farm. Only on Dec 26 at 21:00 we at last got a final drawing from  @Toxyd, both factions were notifed and asked to avoid linking in COMM,...

Excellent news.

Excellent news.

50 mph wind gusts 41 degrees,if it isn't tied down its headed for Death Valley....Cats are glued to the windows...

50 mph wind gusts  41 degrees,if it isn't tied down its headed for Death Valley....Cats are glued to the windows sounds like a trains going by.

"Welcome to being human, ADA.

Originally shared by Niantic Project "Welcome to being human, ADA.  Most of the really important questions are unanswerable.  That’s what makes them so important." x







Klue missions, are there more coming? And what of the glyphs being sought? #jojoingresswotd

Originally shared by JoJo Stratton Klue missions, are there more coming? And what of the glyphs being sought? #jojoingresswotd congratulations @keyclick with the help of @SQL