Originally shared by Mike Wissinger We have made this gesture, #OpEasterSpike to send a message to the global Resistance movement. It is not meant as aggression, and we are certain you will remove the field presently. Until then, please consider the following. While the nature of our tools make us rivals for resources, we are not your enemy. It is not our goal to hand humanity over to any controlling force. Instead, we believe exotic matter to be a natural force that humanity can and must make use of. We will harness it as we have gravity, electricity, and the nuclear forces. As a fundamental building block of magger XM cannot be a new creation from an outside entity, merely one that we have only just learned to quantify and manipulate. We have seen several potential threats to human freedom since the discovery of the Niantic Project, but they have not been aliens. They are people who would prison and exploit others in their quest for personal power. They are machines of our ...