Dec 28 2012 OPERATION BANDAID goal: put up two fields to cover Michigans thumb with a bandaid like field. Martin Newsome dannyvermin Steve Martin xlegit +Zack ghostrider Linda Besh portalyst So Hubert Farlowe is this field big enough? It is 158 miles around it, took 12 hours to complete since no agents in area to help us, and longest link is 86k and covers 1224 sq miles! 42,225 MU We started this morning at 9:30am making our way north to our rendevous point in Davidson, Mi. There were four of in two vehicles. Myself, +Martin Newsome +Steve Martin and Zack. We met at Tim Hortons, checked our maps and then headed out to the first corner of our field, Vassar, Mi. Steve and Zack were L1 they deployed resonators and linked fields. Martin is an L6 and I am an L7 so we upgraded the portals and put on shields. On the way, in Millington, Mi we made our first mistake. We couldn't resist taking down two enlightenment portals, not realizing how close we were to Vassar, Michigan. After setti...